ENTITY rational_bspline_surface_entity

(* SCHEMA iges_curve_and_surface_geometry_schema; *)
   ENTITY rational_bspline_surface_entity
      SUBTYPE OF (geometric_entity);

      line_font : lineFont;
      subordinate : subordinate_switch;
      used        : use_flag;
      line_weight : INTEGER;
      form        : INTEGER;
      m1 : INTEGER;
      m2 : INTEGER;
      prop1 : property2;
      prop2 : property2;
      prop3 : property3;
      prop4 : property4;
      prop5 : property4;
      s  : ARRAY [0:255] OF REAL;
      t  : ARRAY [0:255] OF REAL;
      w  : LIST OF ARRAY [0:255] OF REAL;
      control_points : LIST [0:k1] OF LIST [0:k2] OF coordinate;
      u : ARRAY [0:1] OF REAL;
      v : ARRAY [0:1] OF REAL;
      entity_type : INTEGER := 128;
      k1 : INTEGER := SIZEOF(w)-1;
      k2 : INTEGER := SIZEOF(w[0])-1;
      (form = 0) OR (form = 1) OR (form = 2) OR 
      (form = 3) OR (form = 4) OR (form = 5) OR
      (form = 6) OR (form = 7) OR (form = 8) OR (form = 9);

Explicit Attributes

Entity rational_bspline_surface_entity has the following local and inherited explicit attributes:
AttributeTypeDefined By
 associationsLIST OF associativities (SELECT)directory_entry
 propertiesLIST OF properties (SELECT)directory_entry
 levelentity_level (SELECT)geometric_entity
 viewentity_view (SELECT)geometric_entity
 transformationtransformation_matrix_entity (ENTITY)geometric_entity
 label_displaylabel_display_entity (ENTITY)geometric_entity
 blankblank_status (ENUM)geometric_entity
 colorentity_color (SELECT)geometric_entity
 line_fontlineFont (SELECT)rational_bspline_surface_entity
 subordinatesubordinate_switch (ENUM)rational_bspline_surface_entity
 useduse_flag (ENUM)rational_bspline_surface_entity
 prop1property2 (ENUM)rational_bspline_surface_entity
 prop2property2 (ENUM)rational_bspline_surface_entity
 prop3property3 (ENUM)rational_bspline_surface_entity
 prop4property4 (ENUM)rational_bspline_surface_entity
 prop5property4 (ENUM)rational_bspline_surface_entity
 sARRAY OF REALrational_bspline_surface_entity
 tARRAY OF REALrational_bspline_surface_entity
 wLIST OF ARRAY OF REALrational_bspline_surface_entity
 control_pointsLIST OF LIST OF coordinate (ENTITY)rational_bspline_surface_entity
 uARRAY OF REALrational_bspline_surface_entity
 vARRAY OF REALrational_bspline_surface_entity

Derived Attributes

Entity rational_bspline_surface_entity has the following local and inherited derived attributes:
AttributeTypeDefined By

Inverse Attributes

    No Inverse Attributes


Entity rational_bspline_surface_entity inherits from the following supertypes:


    No subtypes

Referenced By

Entity rational_bspline_surface_entity and its supertypes are referenced by the following definitions:
DefinitionTypeReferenced Entity
 boundary_entity ENTITY geometric_entity
 bounded_surface_entity ENTITY geometric_entity
 curve_boundary ENTITY geometric_entity
 curve_on_a_parametric_surface_entity ENTITY geometric_entity
 datum SELECT directory_entry
 directory_entry ENTITY geometric_entity
 flash_entity ENTITY geometric_entity
 geometric_entity ENTITY rational_bspline_surface_entity
 geometric_or_connect_point SELECT geometric_entity
 geometry_entities SELECT geometric_entity
 offset_curve_entity ENTITY geometric_entity
 offset_surface_entity ENTITY geometric_entity
 plane_entity ENTITY geometric_entity
 ruled_surface_entity ENTITY geometric_entity
 surface_of_revolution_entity ENTITY geometric_entity
 surface_type SELECT rational_bspline_surface_entity
 tabulated_cylinder_entity ENTITY geometric_entity
 trimmed_parametric_surface_entity ENTITY geometric_entity

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