Fixed incorrect missing workpiece error detection bug for setting
process features.
Functionality added to the UI so that the laser speed and power can
be set for infill and contours.
Changes in release 20.5 (2025-03-11)
Performance improvements enable more rapid loading of the Twin panel
for models with very large numbers of digital twins such as the
Holey wing with 5,000 drill holes.
Performance improvements enable more rapid display of solutions for
the 2nd PBF test part.
The toolpaths of multiple workingsteps can be displayed by pressing
the Shift or Ctrl key when picking a node in the workingstep tree.
Additive solutions can be planned many times for the same part. The
additive solutions are added to the file list for navigation using
the forward and back buttons.
Unwanted designs can be removed using the new Delete Files menu
option. The space used by the files is returned to the heap.
Changes in release 20.4 (2025-02-20)
New UI functions to set infill type to stripes, islands or meander for PBF
New API and UI functions to set offsets for contours and infill in PBF
Changes in release 20.3 (2025-02-05)
New API functions to set and get toolpath type and priority
UI shows the toolpath type and priority in the Position gadget
Multiple fixes to make simulator more accurate.
Visualization for periodic splines such as blisk blades
Changes in release 20.2 (2024-12-21)
Focus called when new tape assemblies made
Ply start points shown on workpieces
Changes in release 20.1 (2024-12-09)
Nested workplan bug fix in ReadStepNC
Tape count added to name of each course in ply assemblies
New ply assembly highlighted in Explorer when added to solution
Ply assembly stored as stepnc
Changes in release 20.0 (2024-08-13)
Added Additive Class for making Powder Bed Fusion (PBF) solutions
STEP-NC DLL built with Visual C++ runtime/platform toolset v143 and
for .NET framework 4.7.2.
Changes in release 19.82 (2024-06-07)
Cross Section gadget updated to display the volume being removed by
each toolpath during simulation
Simulate/Toolpath_count menu option can be used to toggle between
showing all toolpaths in a workingstep or only the current toolpath.
Visualizations updated to include thickness of styled lines.
Changes in release 19.81 (2024-04-12)
In a composite model, right click a ply to make courses and tapes
for that ply.
In a composite model, right click a workpiece to make courses and
tapes for all the plies.
Select Toolpaths/"Create Ply Paths" to make workingstep to lay the plies
Changes in release 19.80 (2024-01-08)
Added functions to display plys and used them in the Part pane.
Added option to Simulate menu to make removal volume transparent.
Made display of circles smoother by increasing number of facets.
Changes in release 19.79 (2024-08-07)
Internal release
Changes in release 19.78 (2023-09-30)
Added facetting for triangulated face.
Changes in release 19.78 (2023-08-04)
Added support for PocketNC machine tool model.
Extended profile functionality for internal contours for NIST part
Made pocket toolpath functionality more robust for NIST part (pocket
may start at any orientation)
Made Hole milling functionality more robust for NIST part (fewer
spirals, finishing pass)
Changes in release 19.77 (2023-07-17)
Fixed caching bug when copying different data in files with
same name
Changes in release 19.76 (2023-07-11)
ReadStepNcFile updated to include setup data
Changes in release 19.75 (2023-06-29)
ReadStepNcFile updated to process repeat cases
Changes in release 19.74 (2023-06-29)
Simulate function made to stop when there is no rawpiece.
ReadStepNcFile updated to process more cases
Changes in release 19.73 (2023-06-26)
Clean function extended to remove STEP-NC files from memory.
Added SetEventFn(), SetTypeFn() and SetOtherFn() to Generate class
to customize CNC code output with your own .NET callbacks. Each
callback returns a string with a code fragment for things like
moves, tool changes, feedrate, spindle, or coolant commands.
Added Generate::builtin_*() functions for the built-in callbacks
used to construct all existing CNC output styles.
Changes in release 19.72 (2023-03-29)
Better formatting for datum targets
Added Circular Curve datum target
Trace file enriched with timing data
Changes in release 19.71 (2023-03-28)
Corrected display of common datum list and datum targets
Changes in release 19.70 (2023-03-27)
New DLL functions to display datum systems and datums as strings
Disabled early display.
Changes in release 19.69 (2023-03-26)
Better balance between early display and total time to display.
Changes in release 19.68 (2023-03-24)
Early display of geometry in very large assemblies.
Changes in release 19.67 (2023-03-24)
Early display of geometry in very large models.
Selection of composite plys in assembly trees.
Disabled searching for associated edges in tolerances.
Changes in release 19.66 (2023-03-23)
Fix for UUID scan in APT.
Changes in release 19.65 (2023-03-23)
Fix for initialization bug in process.
Changes in release 19.64 (2023-03-23)
Corrected logic of flags that turn UUID's off and on
StopInternalUUID, RestartInternalUUID, StopExternalUUID,
Changes in release 19.63 (2023-03-22)
Significantly optimized time to add tolerances by reducing caching
Halved time to load data containing many tolerances by re-writing
tolerance display function in C
Changes in release 19.62 (2023-03-16)
Corrected name caching for duplicates again
Enabled toolpath picking
Feedstop shown in simulator
Changes in release 19.61 (2023-03-16)
Disabled internal UUID generation by DLL
Optimized tolerance zone search functions
Corrected name caching issue for duplicates
Changes in release 19.60 (2023-03-15)
Fix for duplicate name cache issue
Changes in release 19.59 (2023-03-15)
Fix for cache_suspend issue?
Changes in release 19.58 (2023-03-15)
Debugging message to figure out cache_suspend
Changes in release 19.57 (2023-03-14)
Correction for cache_suspend
Changes in release 19.56 (2023-03-14)
More optimizations for callout routines
Changes in release 19.55 (2023-03-14)
Failure to find draughting callout message made silent
Silent report added for making draughting callout dictionary
Changes in release 19.54 (2023-03-14)
Stopped display of callouts in right place
Added status counter for number of tolerances
More debug messages
Changes in release 19.53 (2023-03-13)
Turned on debug messages for face cache
Changes in release 19.52 (2023-03-13)
Stopped display of unused callouts
Changes in release 19.51 (2023-03-13)
Less aggressive searching for related callouts
Changes in release 19.50 (2023-03-11)
Correction to Coolant Flood
Optimization for Finding Draughting items
Changes in release 19.49 (2023-03-10)
Added Coolant flood, thru and chip removal.
Coolant extended to use INTENS keyword to define pressure
Changes in release 19.48 (2023-03-06)
Feedstop extended to include DELAY/REV (revolutions)
Code output for DELAY/REV on Fanuc and Siemens.
Changes in release 19.47 (2023-02-26)
Consolidation of manifolds containing a single planar face
Reader for Vericut OPTI files
Planar facing enabled for circular faces (disks).
Drill and Fill computed for countersink and counterbore holes.
Key checking to enable drill and fill functionality.
Added Feedstop toolpaths to support APT-CL DELAY command.
Added DWELL event, GetDwellTime() and GetDwellTimeUnit() functions
to the Adaptive class to support feedstop toolpaths. The Generate
class now emits G04 codes for feedstops.
Changes in release 19.46 (2023-01-17)
Drill and Fill computed using surface normals.
Feature picking using geometric sets.
Changes in release 19.45 (2022-12-11)
UI on Twin tab nests constant hole and tape hole in Countersunk hole.
UI display taper of taper hole.
Changes in release 19.44 (2022-12-09)
Mappings corrected for countersunk holes.
Changes in release 19.43 (2022-12-08)
Tapered hole depth and diameter enabled for countersunk holes.
Drilling operations computed for point sets on faces.
Drilling Stackup information displayed on Twins tab.
Changes in release 19.42 (2022-12-02)
Check boxes for display annotations divided to PMI and Geometric Sets.
Point selection for features and workingsteps
Changes in release 19.41 (2022-11-22)
AP242 point styles (cross, star, square, etc) supported for pick points.
Performance improvements for large numbers of points
Changes in release 19.40 (2022-11-08)
Memory management update for the ODEM project.
Changes in release 19.39 (2022-10-18)
Workpiece reuse functions raise the level of an assembly if the
workpiece is a part so that the piece can be moved and rotated.
Changes in release 19.38 (2022-10-07)
Internal testing release.
Part pane shows assembly tree for as-built model when simulation
mode is on and Rawpiece is selected.
Face selection shows all the tolerances linked to that face in the
part tree.
More assembly and Less assembly maintain the existing view when the
size of the assembly is expanded or contracted.
Changes in release 19.37 (2022-09-20)
Fixed code generation for the LEFT/RIGHT/OFF compensation functions.
Changes in release 19.36 (2022-09-19)
Names of Extended NC functions changed to CUTCOM/LEFT, CUTCOM/RIGHT
Changes in release 19.35 (2022-09-19)
APT-CL CUTCOM LEFT/RIGHT made modal by mapping into an Extended NC function.
APT-CL CUTCOM OFF mapped into Extended NC function - CENTER.
Changes in release 19.34 (2022-09-18)
APT CL Reader updates
Changes in release 19.33 (2022-09-18)
Updates for multi-workpiece simulation.
Cleaner initialization for Python and other add-on applications.
Bug fix for APT-CL reader
Changes in release 19.32 (2022-09-16)
Drilling, Reaming, Tapping and Boring added to APT-CL reader.
Changes in release 19.31 (2022-09-15)
Cutter compensation commands (LEFT, RIGHT, OFF) added to APT-CL reader.
Optional STEP added to APT-CL reader.
Added new functions to "MakeOrFind" tools to APT so that an existing
tool can be found when a similar feature has already been machined.
New Simulate menu option enables auto-dumping of log files if errors
found during machining simulation.
Changes in release 19.30 (2022-08-31)
Enhanced face picking for assembly tolerances.
Features displayed on parts tab.
Changes in release 19.29 (2022-08-30)
Twins tab shows digital twin status of each feature.
Twins tab allows twins to be sorted by manufacturing time, difference
between planned time and manufacturing time, and percentage difference.
Display shows origin point for each feature on Parts and Twins tabs.
Select Point highlights the feature with that point.
Changes in release 19.28 (2022-08-19)
New default is to display an item in the context of its parent, instead
of the whole assembly.
Drop down menu option "More Assembly" enables more of an assembly context
to be displayed by also showing the grandparents, great grandparents, etc.
Drop down menu option "Less Assembly" reduces the context until just the
currently selected item is being displayed.
Center of symmetry callout displays timmed curve containing center line.
Parameters of additive manufacturing functions changed to conform to
definitions proposed for AP238 Edition 4.
First and last index added to additive manufacturing functions so that the
number of layers generated for a shell can be limited for testing or to
reduce data volume.
Changes in release 19.27 (2022-08-02)
UI and API of additive functions updated to meet descriptions given
in draft extension to AP238 for powder bed fusion additive manufacturing.
Changes in release 19.26 (2022-07-14)
Threading feature added to feature tab.
Icon added for turning operations.
Changes in release 19.25 (2022-06-20)
Corrected datum handling seen in some newer data.
Changes in release 19.24 (2022-06-14)
Can now export parts and subassemblies expanded from EBOM
(engineering bill-of-material, part may be shared across multiple
assembly uses) into MBOM (manufacturing bill-of-materials, separate
copy of a part in each assembly use)
Changes in release 19.23 (2022-06-10)
Tessellated shells now displayed (similar to Tessellated solid)
Transparency for back and front faces
Changes in release 19.22 (2022-06-03)
Twenty fold improvement in faceting time for MBD Plane
Face and shell highlights no longer set geometry to blue
Bug fix for multi-robot simulation
FacetStart and FacetStatus functions added to explicitly start
model faceting, and to report status of faceting.
Changes in release 19.21 (2022-06-02)
Faceting of linear extrusions now faster
Display sorted to prioritize larger faces.
Changes in release 19.20 (2022-05-24)
Added functions to set and display user comments for executables
Changes in release 19.19 (2022-03-07)
AND/OR relationships added to process latest round of CAX/IF
Assembly explode button works on first click
Safe point added to process plans.
Bug fix when closing project with a palette open.
Fixed crash in machine code generation when formatting negative
small number that rounds to zero when requiring a minimum number of
Added MoveIsModal flag to the Generate class to control whether
G0/G1 command is treated as modal or must be issued with every move
even when following moves are of the same type.
Changes in release 19.18 (2022-02-25)
Update to glew-2.2.0, Only warn if can not find OpenGL 3.0, continue
running with note of GL_VERSION returned by system.
Changes in release 19.17 (2022-02-24)
Bug fix in code used to make items invisible.
Bug fix in initialization codes when a palette is visible.
File/Export Other/Digital Twin Index exports a csv file
describing an assembly.
Changes in release 19.16 (2022-02-07)
Workpiece made transparent after additive toolpath generation.
Error message silenced when second copy of part loaded.
Changes in release 19.15 (2022-01-26)
Added rotation and patch size options for additive toolpath generation.
Fixed regressions in simulation and viewing codes
Changes in release 19.14 (2021-12-25)
Toolpath length reduced by sorting data for additive operations.
New user interface pane for defining additive operations
Changes in release 19.13 (2021-12-01)
Performance enhancement by closing the feeds pane during
Changes in release 19.12 (2021-11-18)
Performance enhancement for loading programs containing
MTConnect simulator for data recorded in spreadsheets.
Changes in release 19.11 (2021-11-08)
Multi-body parts shown as assemblies in the part tree.
Additive manufacturing toolpath planning for hatching
Changes in release 19.10 (2021-10-20)
Classification labels added to UUID's.
Slider control adjusts simulation speed by reducing
linearization tolerance for arcs.
Tool shapes can be shown as arrowheads using new option
in Simulate menu.
Changes in release 19.9 (2021-09-18)
Spiral ramps given a 6 degree incline.
Changes in release 19.8 (2021-09-14)
Profile operation updated to ramp into material and
support both climb cuts and conventional cuts.
Simulator corrected to allow Freeform operations
containing a touchprobe.
Explorer corrected to allow first executable to
be an empty workplan.
Changes in release 19.7 (2021-09-10)
Reduced number of UUID's by eliminating anchors for
measurement points.
Path position tool shows toolpath name.
Multiple small corrections to toolpath generation for Ashtray.
Okuma-Lockheed added as an option for code generation.
Changes in release 19.6 (2021-08-23)
Corrected 3D Mouse initialization problem.
Changes in release 19.5 (2021-08-20)
Changes in release 19.4 (2021-08-20)
Changes in release 19.3 (2021-08-20)
Changes in release 19.2 (2021-08-20)
Changes in release 19.1 (2021-08-19)
Some additional version numbering updates
Initialization tests with OpenGL and 3D mouse support
Changes in release 19.0 (2021-08-19)
Graphics core reworked to perform an order of magnitude faster.
Part Pane updated to manage very large product models.
Part Pane selection updated to highlight correct instance among
duplicate children.
Path Position gadget updated to show name of current toolpath.
Toolpath generation added for facing.
Toolpath planning functions updated to include roughing and
finishing with stock_allowance and finish_allowance.
Toolpath planning functions updated to include feeds and speeds
for ashtray tooling.
Changes in release 18.63 (2021-07-13)
Placements updated to also correctly display SolidWorks
Annotations updated to also correctly display SolidWorks PMI.
Toolpath generation added for round holes.
UI added to main menu (Main/Toolpath) for toolpath planning.
Changes in release 18.62 (2021-06-22)
Current state of feature now displayed for faces that
are also datums.
Changes in release 18.61 (2021-06-21)
Added toolpath generation for outside profiles.
Added toolpath generation for hole milling.
Changes in release 18.60 (2021-06-08)
Added toolpath generation for pockets.
Add feature recognition for Ashtray data.
Corrected issue when path planning probing operations in
multiple setups.
Changes in release 18.59 (2021-05-30)
Corrected bug that lost associations between a tolerance and its
faces for derived elements such as center of symmetry.
Added speed and lag controls to enable smooth continuous simulation
of part geometry using MTConnect data.
Changes in release 18.58 (2021-05-25)
Corrected APT-CL bug that sometimes resulted in empty workingsteps
after consecutive CUTTER and NC functions.
Added an option to parse comments of ASCII APT-CL files for
operation names and operation placements.
Changes in release 18.57 (2021-05-22)
Read STEP-NC uses an existing workpiece if it has the same
id as an existing workpiece.
Changes in release 18.56 (2021-05-21)
Read STEP-NC uses an existing tool if it has the same
tool number as an existing tool.
GetToolUsingWorkpiece() in Finder finds the tool that uses
a given workpiece to define its geometry if there is one.
In touch probe geomery generation, default value for an unset
stylus_diameter is ball_radius * 0.4 and for an unset
overall_assembly_length is stylus_diameter * 3
Changes in release 18.55 (2021-05-20)
Enabled set and put for Stylus Diameter of touch probes.
Customized display of Touch Probe parameters in Tool tab.
Changes in release 18.54 (2021-05-19)
Removed unwanted tracing messages.
Changes in release 18.53 (2021-05-19)
GenerateTools makes tool shapes for Touch_probes.
Find tool functions updated to find probes and tools using
a workingstep id.
Added ToolCategory to distinguish between milling, drilling
and probing tools.
Changes in release 18.52 (2021-05-17)
Added new display icons for probing operations and tools.
Added new display icons for drilling operations and tools.
Added GetWorkingstepCategory to distinguish between milling,
drilling, probing, turning and adding.
Added functions to get and put all the attributes of a touch
Added import probe functionality to the STEP-NC reader.
Changes in release 18.51 (2021-05-15)
Added ReadStepNcFile to read and process STEP-NC files
with the logic of the ReadCatia API's so that CATIA files
can be converted into many STEP-NC files and then
assembled as one.
Added DefineToolTouchProbe () to define parameters for a
touch probe.
Changes in release 18.50 (2021-05-12)
Added ReadCatiaAptAsciiClfile() to read CATIA APT files
written as ASCII.
Changes in release 18.49 (2021-05-07)
Added flag to the Generate class to linearize all arcs and helixes.
Uses a series of linear moves instead of the circular interpolation
codes (G2/G3) for the format. The chord tolerance parameter
controls how fine the curve is faceted.
Changes in release 18.48 (2021-05-05)
Import/APTCl functions corrected for data loss when ignoring
PPRINT, LOADTL and Extended NC functions.
Information messages added when switching between ignore and
include modes for Import/APTCl functions.
Changes in release 18.47 (2021-04-30)
Speed and feed set to 0 when tool is changed to avoid
inheriting from last speed and feed of last tool.
GetExecutableType no longer returns operation type for
workingsteps. Use GetWorkingstepType instead.
Changes in release 18.46 (2021-04-26)
Completed and documented functions for Datum Systems.
Added DatumSystemRemoveDuplicate to API and DLL to remove
duplicate datum systems.
Optimized performance of glue gun application.
Changes in release 18.45 (2021-04-04)
New functions for Datum Systems.
Changes in release 18.44 (2021-03-25)
Updated file menu so that it can be used to set the directory
that is used to find projects in MTConnect streams.
Changes in release 18.43 (2021-03-24)
Added automatic acceleration for when simulator falls behind
the vigo conveyer.
Added catch-up mode to complete a simulation when conveyer finishes
before simulation.
Changed display for Center of Symmetry to show line in construction
Changes in release 18.42 (2021-03-23)
Extended vigo conveyor to automatically start new parts using
status information in the MTConnect stream.
Enhanced accuracy of the vigo conveyor simulation by queuing points.
Changes in release 18.41 (2021-03-21)
Extended trimmed_curve and edge_curve association to include lines.
Expanded part pane to show callout tree for a tolerance
Changes in release 18.40 (2021-03-17)
Created association between trimmed_curve and edge_curve for CATIA
AP242 export of diameter dimension tolerances.
Expanded part pane to list each instance of a tolerance
Changes in release 18.39 (2021-03-14)
Added a new MTConnect configuration for the University of Vigo
glue gun.
Made the University of Vigo "glue gun" the default for MTConnect.
Changes in release 18.38 (2021-03-10)
Added functions to interrogate cylinder and torus for the attributes
that control pipe bending systems (length, bend, twist).
Added Save Volume as AP242 to file menu as duplicate from Simulate menu
Updated feature pane to assume features with NO known issues are good.
Changed label on "done" button to "off" for disabled features
Added Shift/Ctl modifiers to pan and rotate while in pick modes.
Also gave the graphics window focus when loading or switching modes
so that clicking in the window is no longer needed for the modifier
keys to be recognized.
Changes in release 18.37 (2021-01-22)
API updated to save XML for a legacy application.
Changes in release 18.36 (2021-01-19)
User interface updated to show coordinates of start and end point when an
edge is picked.
New tracking configuration added for the University of Vigo conveyor belt.
Changes in release 18.35 (2021-01-06)
Workpiece breakdown properties define the part number and distribution
permissions for an assembly component.
Changes in release 18.34 (2020-12-31)
Workpiece properties updated to enable definition and display of
(heat) treatment results.
Tolerance definition functions updated to allow a new tolerance to be
given the same units as the underlying face.
Changes in release 18.33 (2020-11-18)
Finder functions that use a flag to indicate if a value has been set
updated to return the value 0.0 (instead of ROSE_NULL_REAL) when the
value is a double.
Simulator performance enhancements.
Changes in release 18.32 (2020-11-09)
Option to keep STEP-NC placement added to ExportWorkpiece203/214/242
Changes in release 18.31 (2020-11-06)
Information messages removed from AP203/AP214/AP242 exports.
Changes in release 18.30 (2020-10-30)
Tool tips updated to show UUID and EID for Datums on Part Pane.
APT-CL parser for NX updated to recognize "IPM" as a feed unit.
Changes in release 18.29 (2020-10-29)
Tool tips updated to show UUID and EID on all panes.
MTConnect switched back to robot use case
Changes in release 18.28 (2020-10-29)
MTConnect events monitored for feed override during machining.
UI Completed for Use Case #3 (Process Optimization)
Changes in release 18.27 (2020-10-14)
UI changes for Use Case #1 (Southpark robots): Good and bad steps
highlighted on workplan. Tracking sets removal display off and
feature display on.
MTConnect URL editing re-enabled
Tool Tip for Workplan tree updated to show as measured elapsed time
for executables with digital twins
Changes in release 18.26 (2020-10-12)
Configured for Southpark Robots (18.25 is configured for KTH Hermle)
Changes in release 18.25 (2020-10-12)
Corrected definition of application_context and product_definition_context
Changes in release 18.24 (2020-10-08)
Corrected garbage collection bug in rawpiece
Changes in release 18.23 (2020-09-29)
Corrected reduce drilling process to also work independently
of STEP-NC Explorer
Changes in release 18.22 (2020-09-28)
Feature pane sorts planned and actual times of processes
Changes in release 18.21 (2020-09-23)
Added reduce drilling process function to remove redundant drilling
Created MTConnect reader for KTH Hermle machine
Changes in release 18.20 (2020-09-16)
Removed order dependency for parallel programs in MTConnect mode
Changes in release 18.19 (2020-09-14)
Digital Twin classes updated to read date and time for start and end of
digital twin operations from the MTConnect data stream when available
Changes in release 18.18 (2020-09-11)
UI improvements for digital twinning of multiple robots
Changes in release 18.17 (2020-09-10)
Extended AP238 CC1 export to include copy of parallel and non_sequential
Changes in release 18.16 (2020-07-23)
Added more options for finding executables into APT.
FindWorkplan (already existing)
FindAnyPlan (workplan, selective, non_sequential or parallel)
Restored logic of PPRINT command (see release 18.5)
Added WorkingstepEnd command to explicitly end workingsteps.
Changes in release 18.10 (2020-06-05)
Pick face highlights those datums and tolerances that use
the face in the part tree.
New menu option Setup/Face Display turns on coloring for
faces that hold a datum or tolerance.
Changes in release 18.9 (2020-05-21)
Non-sequential structures no longer randomized.
Changes in release 18.8 (2020-05-20)
Toolpaths now display for non-sequential program structures.
Changes in release 18.7 (2020-05-15)
Non-sequential program structures now supported for workplans
where the order of execution does not matter or has not been
Changes in release 18.6 (2020-05-01)
Machining time estimates improved for toolpaths with arcs.
Changes in release 18.5 (2020-04-27)
Logic of PPRINT command changed so that a Display Message is added
to the program but does not end the current workinstep.
SELECT/TOOL command in APT CL files can be used to define tool numbers.
(SELCTL command also still operational).
Graphics checkboxes that do not apply switched off for AP242 models.
Changes in release 18.4 (2020-04-08)
Repaired Setup/Placement menu item in the UI for main workpiece, rawpiece
and fixture.
Changes in release 18.3 (2020-04-07)
Corrected bug in DefineTool commands that replace an existing tool.
Changes in release 18.2 (2020-03-31)
Setup menu extended to include a Rapid Feed option to set the
feed for machining time computations in inches per minute or
milimeter per minute. Default is 1200 inches per minute.
Functions to compute machining time and distance updated to include
rapid between workingsteps when there is a gap.
Updated DefineTool commands to replace an existing tool with a new
one so that the tools created by an APT-CL program can be given a
better definition.
Changes in release 18.1 (2020-03-27)
Correction to key license functions.
Changes in release 18.0 (2020-03-26)
Corrected issue in APT-CL reader for files that do not define any
cutters by restoring the default cutter (tool 0).
Part Properties pane updated to open the tree of subcompoenents when
there is only one workpiece.
"Simulate/Reset Process Volume" updated to generate a process volume
from the as-is model of the current workingstep.
Added function to Simulate menu to check if the in-process volume of
a simulation is watertight.
Updated toolpath orientation to set the correct final location
when there are nested orientations in enclosing workplans.
Updated placement plane so that "from and to" placements can be
identified by picking three corners or a cylinder and two faces.
Updated all commands that set a placement to use the same pane.
Updated the List Face gadget to highlight the face to be deleted
in red.
Replaced Boxy example file with more recent 5axis/2setup version.
Removed CNC and Okuma plugins and simplified MTConnect interface
Removed the following functions from AptStepMaker, use the Generate
class with SetStyle and ExportCNCFile instead.
ExportAsAPT(), use SetStyle("apt")
ExportAsDmisCNC(), use SetStyle("dmis-cnc")
ExportAsDmisManual, use SetStyle("dmis-manual")
ExportAsESAB(), use SetStyle("esab-cut")
ExportAsFanuc(), use SetStyle("fanuc")
ExportAsHaas(), use SetStyle("haas")
ExportAsHeidenhainAC(), use SetStyle("heidenhain-ac")
ExportAsHeidenhainBC(), use SetStyle("heidenhain-bc")
ExportAsMDSI(), use SetStyle("mdsi")
ExportAsOkuma(), use SetStyle("okuma")
ExportAsSiemens(), use SetStyle("siemens")
ExportCNC(), use the same format string
Removed the following functions from AptStepMaker. See "Updating
Older Code" in the Generate class documentation for the equivalent
functions to use instead.
Removed the following functions from Finder, use the Adaptive class
for transformed traversal of programs.
Added a few missing functions to the Generate class
Added a few missing functions to the AptStepMaker class
Movie capture now works correctly on Windows 8 and Windows 10 64bit.
Changes in release 17.101 (2020-02-12)
UI hides and makes transparent un-selected items
Hidden faces in STEP file are hidden in display
Inserted workplan made current workplan for subsequent inserts
Changes in release 17.100 (2020-01-29)
Placement of all paths in a workplan can be changed using
Edit Toolpath Placement
Tool geometry is now generated from flute length
Changes in release 17.99 (2020-01-21)
Added button on tool pane to generate all missing tool
Corrected issue with common datums for new Spikey part
Changes in release 17.98 (2019-12-06)
Machine function data is now reset after a clean to make sure any new
toolpaths have new functions that have not been collected.
Changes in release 17.97 (2019-10-29)
Fix missing spindle stop for code output that uses a custom spindle
code (Siemens with Macros, Heidenhain, and APT)
Changes in release 17.96 (2019-10-29)
Fix missing M5 to turn spindle off when explicitly commanding a
spindle speed of zero.
Changes in release 17.95 (2019-10-29)
Enabled workingsteps with no content now highlighted in red.
Pick face displays distance of current point to last point picked.
Pick shape displays dimensions of shell and highlights corresponding workpiece
in Part tree.
Red highlight shown for workplan if kinematics fails for any workingstep.
Green if all good.
Expand bounding box of machine model to include workpiece. This will allow
us to zoom in if the WP is locatated outside the machine mode.
Fixed crash caused by empty workingstep.
Fxied crash casued by GL Stack overflow when drawing incomplete machine model.
Changes in release 17.94 (2019-10-24)
Fixed problem with machines were moving erratically between working steps.
Changes in release 17.93 (2019-10-23)
Added leonardo machine model
Fixed crash on picking.
Changes in release 17.92 (2019-10-21)
Added Spar Mill machine model
Updated Workpiece Properties to approximate dimensions for more types
of shapes.
Changes in release 17.91 (2019-10-18)
Corrected bug that was preventing transition between workingsteps for
traditional machining applications.
Changes in release 17.90 (2019-10-17)
Added ABB 120 robot arm with 90 degree end effector.
Added BARC work cell.
Changes in release 17.89 (2019-10-11)
Checkbox added to view and hide machine tools
Added ExportCNCFile function to the Generate class for simple export
using the built-in styles and settings.
Fixed extraneous kinematics animation.
Changes in release 17.88 (2019-10-03)
Added kinemtics for robot cells with multiple spindles operating
consecutively or concurrently
Enabled position, surface profile and line profile tolerances
without datums (found in Creo AP242 export).
Added functions to the Generate class to give IJK values and angles
separate digits of precision from the rest of the position values.
Added convenience wrappers for CatNumber() to use each of the
different digit settings.
Changes in release 17.87 (2019-08-20)
New functions to make toolpaths for side and bottom milling.
Changes in release 17.86 (2019-08-02)
Updated Tolerance to read and write Hardness data.
Changes in release 17.85 (2019-07-24)
Updated Feature to make outside profile and bosses by defining
a closed loop.
Updated Feature to make pockets and outside profile and bosses by defining
an open loop.
Changes in release 17.84 (2019-07-22)
Updated Feature to make pockets by defining a closed loop.
Updated finder to find closed loops using curves on that loop.
Updated Tolerance to include a GetWorkpieceFaceAll function.
Changes in release 17.83 (2019-07-10)
Added StepncSystem::SetKeyFloatID() to enable floating licensing of
enterprise applications using Flexera license server (FlexLM).
Changes in release 17.82 (2019-07-03)
Enabled SetUUID functionality for profiles.
Added STL export for workpieces. Export includes features if present.
Changes in release 17.81 (2019-06-21)
Added GetCurveAll to finder to get all the curves in a model.
Changes in release 17.80 (2019-06-20)
Spindle update.
Changes in release 17.79 (2019-06-20)
Enabled editing so that workplans and selectives can be converted into
parallels and vice versa. (To use right click on a workplan box).
Completed first version of Parallel Programming support
Added display support for additional featurized holes:
counterbore_hole_occurrence, countersink_hole_occurrence,
Changes in release 17.78 (2019-06-12)
Fixed crash on exit.
Display toolpaths in parallel executables.
Changes in release 17.77 (2019-06-10)
Removed unwanted dialog box.
Changes in release 17.76 (2019-06-10)
Added use interface for Additive slicing code. Options include
slice by count and slice by thickness
Updated display of models to show all draughting presentation items
and all faces for the CATIA AP242 E2 file made on May 17. Display
options allow the draughting items (and faces) to be displayed by workpiece,
individual tolerance and individual callout.
Enabled creation of raw boxes for models without workpiece
Changes in release 17.75 (2019-05-28)
Updated APTStepMaker to always make a new workingstep when inserting
a new workingstep after an existing one (WorkingstepAfter).
Improved intersection code
Changes in release 17.74 (2019-05-08)
Updated UI to show correct number of spindles when switching between
Changes in release 17.73 (2019-05-07)
Updated UI to allow automated hole rendering to be turned on and off
using "Setup/Hole render"
Changes in release 17.72 (2019-05-06)
Updated UI to allow multiple spindles to be turned on and off by
selecting "Setup/Spindle count"
New function to set hole bottom at end for round holes and pockets
GetWorkpiecePlacement of APT duplicated in Finder.
Features are now applied to the workpiece geometry.
Changes in release 17.71 (2019-05-01)
IgnoreLastPointMode can now be set from the user interface
of the explorer by selecting "Setup/Connector"
Changes in release 17.70 (2019-04-30)
Multi-spindle machining enabled for files containing
"Kenny, Kyle, Stan and Cartman"
Changes in release 17.69 (2019-04-29)
IgnoreLastPointMode now also applies to canned cycles
Changes in release 17.68 (2019-04-27)
IgnoreLastPointMode allows the last point of the previous
workingstep to be ignored when making the next one
Changes in release 17.67 (2019-04-26)
Added WorkingstepProcessFeature so that features can be created before
workingsteps or vice versa.
Changes in release 17.66 (2019-04-26)
Begining support for multiple spindles, GeomView API changes.
Added PlacedProcessFeature to feature so that placed features can be
used to define the process features of workingsteps
Changes in release 17.65 (2019-04-18)
The cursor now also emits a TOOL_CHANGE event for load tool and
unload tool NC functions with a given overall assembly length or
corner radius.
Changes in release 17.64 (2019-04-05)
The cursor now emits a TOOL_CHANGE event for load tool and unload
tool NC functions. It first emits the EXEC_NCFUN event, as before,
followed by the TOOL_CHANGE event.
Skip comment when generating an extended nc function with an
"INSERT/" statement.
Changes in release 17.63 (2019-03-26)
Can now export workpieces or in-process models as 3MF or AMF.
Changes in release 17.62 (2019-03-19)
Added slicing by count or thickness for additive manufacturing.
Changes in release 17.61 (2019-03-11)
Correct arc axis on APT round tripping.
Improve tool profile generation for simulation. Fixes stripeyness.
Changes in release 17.60 (2019-03-04)
Tolerance display improvements and other fix rollup
Changes in release 17.59 (2019-01-25)
Support for offset surfaces
Changes in release 17.58 (2019-01-04)
Performance improvements for MTConnect simulation
Changes in release 17.57 (2018-12-17)
Optimized performance of toolpaths containing arcs (via points)
Added tool number to display of Load Tool NC function
Interactive display of MTConnect machining results
MTConnect to STEP-NC translator
Changes in release 17.56 (2018-10-30)
Cleaned up help menu
Changes in release 17.55 (2018-10-30)
Added machine models for DMC 160 and DMC 210.
Changes in release 17.54 (2018-10-24)
UI extended to show and grade MTConnect probing results in real time
Enabled GeomView::ColorInstance to function on workingsteps.
Updated probe point generation code.
Changes in release 17.53 (2018-09-24)
Updated explorer to show edge curves for feature profiles
Changes in release 17.52 (2018-09-12)
Improvements to tolerance evaluation.
Changes in release 17.51 (2018-09-07)
Simulation improvements, and API for probing feedback.
Changes in release 17.50 (2018-09-04)
Added API for probing feedback.
Changes in release 17.49 (2018-09-04)
Improved feedback when evaluating tolerances.
Improved material removal simulation.
Changes in release 17.48 (2018-08-31)
Improved user interface to allow selection of individual tolerances
for analysis of probe points.
Changes in release 17.47 (2018-08-29)
Evaluates conformance of touch probe points and topology points on a
model to the tolerances of its surfaces. Green = OK, Purple = too
much material on model, Red = too little material on model
Changes in release 17.46 (2018-08-28)
Updated feature so that face bounds can be used to define loops for
closed pockets
Corrections to NewProject so empty files can be saved.
Changes in release 17.45 (2018-08-10)
Fixed evaluation of surface profile tolerances and diameter size
dimensions. All tolerances on fish head now show green when
evaluated against final part model.
Changes in release 17.44 (2018-08-09)
Tolerance and probing fixes.
Changes in release 17.43 (2018-08-06)
Better highlighting of tolerance evaluation colors on faces.
Now emitting extended NC functions that have an "INSERT/" prefix.
The prefix is stripped and the rest is inserted verbatim. This is
now the default behavior for all code styles.
Changes in release 17.42 (2018-08-05)
Tolerance evaluation algorithms for the planar faces in the IMST demo.
Changes in release 17.41 (2018-07-23)
Reads MTConnect feature coordinate data
Measures bspline surfaces
Includes other half of split cylinders in measurements
Efficiency updates for transaction that include large numbers of
Changes in release 17.40 (2018-07-18)
Display changes to show and hide constructive geometry for evaluated
tolerance faces.
Changes in release 17.39 (2018-07-17)
Updated system to compute as-measured surfaces for planes and
cylinders from the results of probed points. The new surfaces are
displayed on the geometry of the measured part and can be displayed
or hidden by checking the planes box. Use as follows:
- Create a probing program using either Probe/Count or Probe/Grid
(recommended for cylinders)
- Run the program against the results of a simulation or on the machine
- Evaluate the displayed results
Changes in release 17.38 (2018-07-16)
Update tolerance display.
Faster handling of large (~15000 item) assembly trees.
Changes in release 17.37 (2018-06-25)
Remove warning messages
Changes in release 17.36 (2018-06-21)
Visualization fixes to be more tolerant of STEP files with bad
presentation information.
Changes in release 17.35 (2018-06-19)
Added support for DMC 125 machine kinematics
sChanges in release 17.34 (2018-05-17)
Added Drag and Drop File Opening Capability to Explorer
Faceting improvements for periodic splines
Now parses Drilling Cycle 81 in Siemens mpf files
Changes in release 17.33 (2018-03-29)
Now supports the AP242 E2 DIS schema.
Displays AP242 additive manufacturing setup information properly, as
well as complex triangulated surface sets for support geometry.
Changed type for Generate transform functions to take array<double>
to match usage in Adaptive class.
Changes in release 17.32 (2018-03-13)
Renamed CtlFormat/Vars to Generate and GenerateState
Added functions to find all tools with a matching set of parameters.
Changes in release 17.31 (2018-03-10)
Added CtlFormat and CtlVars class for code generation.
Added probing, default direction, and other functions to the
Adaptive class.
Changes in release 17.30 (2018-02-27)
Code generation is now using new generator. Fanuc codes now have
Renishaw macros for probing.
Changes in release 17.29 (2018-02-26)
Fanuc TCP codes now force all IJK components on tilt moves rather
than omitting unchanged components.
Autogenerated tools now represented as full workpieces.
Changes in release 17.28 (2018-02-21)
Added machine model for Okuma GENOS M460V-5AX.
New interfaces for MTConnect
Updates to enable third party surface evaluation from touch points
Changes in release 17.27 (2018-02-08)
Fixed color refresh when displaying fixtures.
Added spotface and DoubleSpotface to feature and finder.
Changes in release 17.26 (2018-02-02)
Added support for double counter bore holes to feature and finder. A
double counter bore is a hole with large, middle and small diameters
stacked on each other.
Corrected feature to show upper and lower as "upper limit" and
"lower limit"
Changes in release 17.25 (2018-01-31)
Corrected a flipped axis in Northwood gantry machine model.
Changes in release 17.24 (2018-01-26)
Updated the probe position reporting in simulation to also display
the coordinates in design space (original coordinate system of
Corrected issue with export workpiece when the data contained
tolerances with an associated datum.
Changes in release 17.23 (2018-01-25)
Added option in position window to display the coordinates in design
space (original coordinate system of workpiece) as well as overall
part space and the setup space.
Changes in release 17.22 (2018-01-25)
Read CL function has been extended to process Siemens cycles 81,
82, 83, and 840.
Changes in release 17.21 (2018-01-22)
Updated geometry initialization to identify and ignore alternative
shape representations, which corrects a problem with simulation.
Added template functions to finder.
Changes in release 17.20 (2018-01-17)
Placed features and template features for round holes, counterbore
holes and countersunk holes with the advantage that one template can
now be used to describe instance data for many placed instances.
Added the following functions to the Feature object:
Changes in release 17.19 (2018-01-05)
Added functions to APT to create workingsteps for Siemens drilling
cycles. The functions are:
Added functions to Funder to test and query workingsteps for Siemens
drilling cycle parameters. The functions are:
Changes in release 17.18 (2017-12-19)
Release to roll up recent simulation performance improvements.
Changes in release 17.17 (2017-10-27)
Changed coloring in simulator to use newest color when two segments
are coincident.
Improvments in simulator to better handle small facets and facets
that are nearly parallel when calculating removals.
Changed unit enum from "in" to "inch" to avoid reserved word
conflicts with the matching construct in the Node.js binding.
Changes in release 17.16 (2017-09-30)
Improvements to simulation performance.
Support for tesselated polyline annotations.
Changes in release 17.15 (2017-09-06)
Simulation now only re-initializes the removal volume when cycling
the simulate checkbox.
Changes in release 17.14 (2017-09-05)
The Adaptive class in the DLL replaces the class previously named
Added setting under the Simulate menu to color the removal faces by
workingstep or by speed/feed.
Added checkbox for display of removal volume, simulator now uses
in-process volumes for simulation.
Changes in release 17.13 (2017-07-26)
Added support for coloring simulation by workingstep rather than technology.
Corrected geometric placement for assemblies that use mapped items.
Among other things, this resolves display issues with the Hurco AC
machine tool model.
Changes in release 17.12 (2017-07-26)
Update XF-6300 machine model to be smaller and simpler.
Now displaying projected tolerance zone values for semantic PMI.
The tolerance creation dialog can also create a projected zone when
some type of tolerance zone is selected.
Added new CtlCursor which can traversal STEP-NC process for many
different applications. A C++ version also exists.
Changes in release 17.11 (2017-07-20)
Added Hyundai Wia XF-6300 machine model
Performance improvments in simulator: Truncated tool sweep to the maximum
depth of cut (e.g. flute length)
Changes in release 17.10 (2017-07-18)
Added settings flag to control the export of tolerances. Either
export all tolerances or only those which are validated by a probing
Changes in release 17.9 (2017-06-21)
Updated setup origin to be treated as a nested value.
Avoid doing a simulation sweep while an animation is active. This will help
avoid bad removals when a machine model is active.
Always use mount reference location. Previously, this was ignored unless
fixture geometry was present.
Changes in release 17.8 (2017-06-21)
Fixed crash on save.
Changes in release 17.7 (2017-06-19)
Added FindCalloutUsingDraughtingName function to find the callout
for a draughting item defined with a given name (e.g Linear Size.1)
Changes in release 17.6 (2017-06-13)
Improved performance in simulation code to avoid redundant tool sweeps.
Improvements in the simulation code to deal with cases that were previously
resulting in sweep failures.
Fixed bug in technology color assignment, and tweaked color pallet.
Changes in release 17.5 (2017-05-05)
Fixed display units for toolpath position when in a probing
Changes in release 17.4 (2017-04-25)
Renamed "Create Probe Plan" to "Create Probe Plan Count"
No longer tries to initialize touch probe geometry when creating
probing workplans.
Changes in release 17.3 (2017-04-25)
Now preserving the Delta U/V values between calls to the Make
Probing Plan U/V dialog.
Restored support for P28 XML files which was omitted due in a
library reordering.
Changes in release 17.2 (2017-03-22)
Installer no longer places the STEP-NC DLL into the Global Assembly
Cache (GAC). Applications that need the COM binding should manually
register the DLL.
Updated volume removal simulation code to use a subdivision logic
that should result in more reliable simulation.
Fixes to tolerance delete and cylinder probing
Changes in release 17.1 (2017-03-21)
Add new probe planning dialog which creates an exact number of
points and works with any face. The previous planning function was
renamed as planning for face UV.
Things that require a full reload of the display now preserve the
view orientation. Previously, full reloads reset the part display
to a default orientation.
Added coloring of faces and tolerance listing when measurement
results are present in a file.
Added StepncSystem::SetKeyString() for embedding license keys in
application programs.
Changes in release 17.0 (2017-03-07)
This release updates the major version to track the STEP Tools
software stack (v17) that it is built upon.
Corrected toolpath creation from APT-CL input when 5-axis data
includes a (0, 0, 1) vector.
Fixed generated tool definition so that generated tool can be
exported as a STEP file
Enabled merger for probe points that span multiple faces
Updated AP242 export to include nominal probe points as validation
data for semantic tolerances
Implemented MTConnect export for face measurements
Changes in release 12.67 (2017-02-09)
Fixed a crash when deleting executables from the program.
Changes in release 12.66 (2017-02-09)
Correct configuration error with 12.65 release. Changes below were
not included.
Changes in release 12.65 (2017-02-06)
When five-axis toolpaths are present anywhere in the output, we
initialize the tool axis to (0,0,1) after a tool change, even if the
first toolpath after the change is just a three axis move.
Changes in release 12.64 (2017-01-19)
Added support for simuluation of probing operations.
Changes in release 12.63 (2016-12-22)
Added support for complex_triangulated_surface_set and
tessellated_geometric_set in the tessellated geometry processing,
and improved bouding box handling for tessellated geometry.
Added display support for geometric sets of points in construction
Added schema support for proposed AP242e2 additive manufacturing
setup relationships.
Changes in release 12.62 (2016-12-03)
Removed test code from delete executable operation
Changes in release 12.61 (2016-11-14)
Updated the Probe.stp sample probe tool with better geometry.
Added options to force workpiece export as AP203, AP214, or AP242.
The default export as "STEP" uses AP242 if the data contains new
features or AP214 otherwise.
Added support for tolerance zones when creating or displaying.
Changes in release 12.60 (2016-10-02)
Cross section area calculation now returns values even when a single
polygon description is not available.
Corrected optimized time calculations.
Added a path_name function to maker finder, corrected argument types
on path_type() function. Added GetPathName() to DLL.
Added cutter position function to machine state API.
Changes in release 12.59 (2016-09-19)
Corrected display of optimized time.
Updating MachineState API in the DLL to match use System::Int64 for
identifiers instead of int to match all other APIs. Also added new
functions. Currently in the feed-optimization branch and not yet
Changed switchWS to GoToWS to match node.
Changes in release 12.58 (2016-09-14)
Added CoolantThru in APT to turn on through the spindle coolant for
a given toolpath when machining.
Changes in release 12.57 (2016-08-08)
Fixed bug in JSON export.
Changes in release 12.56 (2016-08-08)
Added support for JSON output of assenblies.
Rebuilt for updates to stixmesh, stixmesh and stgl.
Smoother round holes.
Changes in release 12.55 (2016-08-01)
Editing plus/minus tolerances now initializes values correctly.
Previously, the values were getting flipped so they appeared in the
wrong text fields and would be stored backwards if you then saved
the change.
Fixes in delete_workpiece for pieces that have tolerances.
Changes in release 12.49 (2016-07-22)
Update for stixsim 16.24
Changes in release 12.48 (2016-07-22)
Changes in GUID and machine state code
Changes in release 12.47 (2016-07-19)
Right clicking on dimensions now has edit faces for origin or target.
Internal fixes in tolerance name handling.
Changes in release 12.46 (2016-07-19)
Internal fixes in tolerance handling.
Changes in release 12.45 (2016-07-18)
Fixes in MachineState
Changes in release 12.44 (2016-07-18)
GetWorkpieceExtendedToleranceCount/Next improvements for relating
tolerances with multiple workpieces and operations
Changes in release 12.43 (2016-07-12)
Tolerances can now be edited by right-clicking and selecting Edit
All Fields.
Changes in release 12.42 (2016-07-08)
New maker release for stixsim 16.22
Added method to edit tolerance values
Added microince and micrometer units.
Changes in release 12.41 (2016-07-05)
Updates to MachineState.
Changes in release 12.40 (2016-07-05)
Updates to Tolerance and MachineState.
Changes in release 12.39 (2016-07-01)
Updated MachineState for previous button
Updated for API change in stgl.
Updated precision qualifiers in tolerances to use ValueFormat
Changes in release 12.38 (2016-07-01)
Changes in release 12.37 (2016-06-30)
Fixed issue saving precision
Changes in release 12.36 (2016-06-29)
Tolerance display now includes a name, digits of precision, and UUID
if present. The UUID is displayed in the tooltip along with the
entity id and data type.
The create dialog for tolerances now includes fields for a name and
digits of precision.
Changes in release 12.35 (2016-06-28)
Internal release.
Changes in release 12.34 (2016-06-27)
Added functions to MachineState to allow direct manipulation of the
tool position
Changes in release 12.33 (2016-06-22)
Corrections to the ISO 13399 tool assembly code to make it
automatically convert ISO 13399 assemblies to STEP assemblies
Changes in release 12.32 (2016-06-17)
Changes to thread shutdown.
Changes in release 12.31 (2016-06-10)
DLL function to generate a tool shape from its tool parameters
Changes in release 12.30 (2016-06-09)
Removed dependency on ISO 13399 compiled schema file. Schema
definitions are now built in.
Remove dependency on STGL library
Ported to MacOSX and Linux.
Changes in release 12.29 (2016-06-06)
Revised installers and locking code for use with Node
Changes in release 12.28 (2016-05-31)
Fixed bug in tool profile computation that was causing the simulator
to crash.
Fixed a crash (seg fault) in simplification code.
Updated simplification code to check for and avoid creating
back-to-back facets.
Update for use with ST-Developer SP4
Changes in release 12.27 (2016-05-13)
Added a function to get the executable (workplan or selective) that
contains a given executable.
Changes in release 12.26 (2016-05-09)
Eliminate extra "CONSTANT UNIT" anchors that appeared in the name
table when writing P21e3 data.
Additional fixes for tolerance creation.
Changes in release 12.25 (2016-05-09)
Internal build for testing.
Changes in release 12.24 (2016-05-06)
Updated DMU_85 machine to allow negative C axis values
Changes in release 12.23 (2016-05-05)
Avoid issue with missing shape rep relationships when saving as
plain STEP file.
Changes in release 12.22 (2016-05-03)
ISO 13399 tool fixes.
Changes in release 12.21 (2016-04-28)
Increased tolerance when linearizing toolpaths, which should correct
missing segments during display.
Colors in annotation_curve_occurrence are now being applied.
Additional API refinement in MachineState object.
Changes in release 12.20 (2016-04-26)
Added default ctor and OpenFile to MachineState object
Changes in release 12.19 (2016-04-26)
MachineState object now exports a COM interface.
Changes in release 12.18 (2016-04-22)
Changed APT SetCNCexportProgramId() to SetCNCexportProgramNum() and
implemented so that the value now shows up in the MCD output.
Changes in release 12.17 (2016-04-15)
Added zoom to selected item feature.
Added initial Machine State API to DLL.
Changes in release 12.16 (2016-04-05)
Added units dropdown in the create tolerance dialog. This shows the
length unit that will be used by the tolerance and can be changed if
Fixed delete datum so that it removes the deleted datum from all
tolerances that were using it. Also verified the delete tolerance
Changes in release 12.15 (2016-03-29)
Fixed issue with creation of position tolerances without datums.
This also affected surface and line profile tolerances without
When saving a model, now automatically uses AP42 if it contains a
size or location dimension. Previously the AP242 save was only
triggered if the original model was AP242 or if the model contained
a geometric tolerance, datum, or tessellated facets.
Changes in release 12.14 (2016-03-24)
Fixed problem in geometry import to correctly handle assemblies with
geometry at the root node.
AddFaceToCallout is more flexible, will accept any geometric item.
Changes in release 12.13 (2016-03-22)
Corrected several problems where a uncertainty of 0 was causing
infinite recursion.
Changes in release 12.12 (2016-03-19)
Tolerance display and creation now supports unit basis, unequally
disposed tolerances, and maximum values.
API - Clarified return type for Tolerance::GetTolerancePlusMinus by
changing to Boolean rather than just a nonzero int.
API - Added functions to get and set additional parameters
associated with tolerances.
Changes in release 12.11 (2016-03-14)
Displaying faces when common datums are selected in the part tree.
Changes in release 12.10 (2016-03-11)
Added support for displaying exploded views
Now handles button events on a wider variety of 3D mice.
Add tolerance symbols for runout and total runout, coaxiality
Recognize and display common datums.
Changes in release 12.9 (2016-03-06)
Improved face display for composite callouts. This is particularly
noticable with the NIST PMI test parts.
Changes in release 12.8 (2016-03-04)
Added Universal Robots UR 3 Robot arm for simulation.
Changes in release 12.7 (2016-02-23)
Now recognizing tolerances applied to advanced callouts. This
includes many position tolerances in the NIST PMI examples.
Changes in release 12.6 (2016-02-19)
Flushed all deprecated tolerance functions from the code. The NIST
AP242 PMI test files work well with the exception of common datums.
Removed tolerance/datum functions that no longer make sense with
AP242 PMI. The datum modifiers are looped over separately now
because there may be several. See GetToleranceDatumModifierNext.
Removed the precedence argument from AddDatumToTolerance() because
it no longer makes sense with AP242 data. Tolerances appear in the
order they were added, not according to a precedence number.
Changes in release 12.5 (2016-02-18)
Reworking geometric tolerance creation to support the full range of
options in AP242. Tolerance modifiers and datum modifiers are now
available on tabs in the creation pane. The tolerance display after
it is created is not yet showing the modifiers, but they are in the
data. Fields for the tolerance area unit and max value are shown
but not yet active.
In the API DLL, under the Tolerance object, we added
AddTolerance(type)WithFlags functions for each tolerance type, plus
a general AddToleranceWithFlags function. These take a bit flag
that calls out all of the different options when creating
tolerances, like modifiers, a max value, 1D and 2D area units, and
unequal disposition. This is fully operational, although some of
the functions for the extra parameter values are not yet available.
The tolerance creation dialog now accepts edges when picking the
geomety to apply the tolerance to.
Changes in release 12.4 (2016-02-10)
Changed Fanuc and Haas output to always use a decimal point for
feeds and coordinates, even if the value is an integer. This avoids
ambiguity with controls that interpret a value without a decimal as
a count of least input increments.
Fixed geometry issue with surface of revolution of NURBS curves that
was not faceting.
Updated digital signatures on the STEP-NC executable, dll, and
installer to be SHA-256 per the latest Microsoft guidelines.
Changes in release 12.3 (2016-01-28)
Switched to .NET 4.0 runtime.
Added "Generate Tool Geometry" to the tool tab, which creates a
simple CAD model for a tool based on some length, diameter, and
corner radius parameter values.
Updating the tolerance creation to match a wider range of AP242
semantics. Added ability to include modifiers to tolerances, and
increased the range of modifiers on datums.
Added support for composite callouts in datums.
Fixed simulation "Reset Process Volume" to use the same code as the
initialization. This fixes a bug where it was impossible to
reinitialize a simulation when the rawpiece was defined on a
[INSPECT] Fixes to simulation code and JSON export code.
[INSPECT] Updates to REDIS tracking code. Merged tool paths into
single files for better performance of CAG.js web clients.
Changed runtimes to require VC11 C++ runtime
Changes in release 12.2 (2016-01-19)
Changes in release 12.1 (2016-01-15)
Changes in release 12.0 (2016-01-11)
Internal development releases
Changes in release 11.64 (2016-01-05)
Added dump state function.
Released as STEP-NC Machine Personal Edition.
Changes in release 11.63 (2015-12-22)
Corrected placement of block workpieces for Mastercam export.
Changes in release 11.62 (2015-12-04)
Added sub-types for extension, perpendicular, tangent, intersection
and symmetry callouts.
Changes in release 11.61 (2015-11-25)
Updated siulation code to ignore toolpaths that are rapid, or have zero
spindle rotation.
Changes in release 11.60 (2015-11-24)
Corrected workpiece size computation when there is a rotated
Added support for styled models that are applied to constructive
Changes in release 11.59 (2015-11-12)
Fixed a race condition for GetFixtureID
Changes in release 11.58 (2015-11-11)
Improvements to cross section computation: corrected xmin (parameter
2), and improved the reliability
Changes in release 11.57 (2015-11-10)
Corrected ordering of parameters in the cross section display.
Changes in release 11.56 (2015-11-09)
Added UUID functions and other improvements.
Changes in release 11.55 (2015-10-27)
Fixed problem in toolpath display
Changes in release 11.54 (2015-10-26)
Switching between workinsteps is more responsive, particularly for
workplans and workingsteps that have many toolpaths.
Added checkbox to toggle display of toolpaths
Added ISO 13399 tool data for the sample files
Changes in release 11.53 (2015-10-25)
API improvements for tolerance creation
Changes in release 11.52 (2015-10-16)
Now includes a variety of signed sample data files that can be
simulated by everyone, not just commercial users.
Changes in release 11.51 (2015-10-14)
The STEP-NC Machine Explorer now allows material removal simulation
without a key if the data file has been signed by STEP Tools using
the new Part 21 edition 3 digital signature capability.
Changes in release 11.50 (2015-10-14)
More internal improvements to handle new datum feature usage.
Changes in release 11.49 (2015-10-13)
Changes in release 11.48 (2015-10-13)
New, faster server for downloading the installer.
Internal improvements to handle new datum feature usage pattern in
PMI data, and also improve simulation intersection reliability.
Changes in release 11.47 (2015-10-06)
Added cross section parameter computation and display.
Changes in release 11.46 (2015-09-23)
Now supports read and save of STEP files while preserving the entity
ID numbers.
Changes in release 11.45 (2015-09-17)
Faceting fixes and updates for handling STEP CAD files.
Changes in release 11.44 (2015-09-15)
Added DLL function to get all data points in a single function call
for every type of curve allowed in a tool path including the cross section
area curves, the speed override curves and the tool axis curves.
Changes in release 11.43 (2015-08-28)
The graphics window now supports the SpaceMouse series of 3D mice
from 3Dconnexion. This gives the viewport 6-axis control.
Prototyped DLL function to get all polyline points in a single
function call. For a 20M file traversal time was reduced from 1
minute 31 seconds to 1 second
Changes in release 11.42 (2015-08-25)
Added Create Rawpiece functionality. Dialog can be found on the
context menu of Workplan objects
Changes in release 11.41 (2015-08-12)
Improved reliability. Several bugs that were causing .Net exception dialogs
have been fixed.
Updated simulation algorithms to be more rebust.
Changes in release 11.40 (2015-07-27)
Ported to rosemath library.
Added Scrollwheel Zoom functionality to 3D Viewport
Added Control-Click to toggle between Rotate/Pan in the 3D Viewport.
Added GetPathUnits() method to finder
Changes in release 11.39 (2015-07-07)
Improvements in simulation code. It is now far less likely to corrupt the
in-process shell.
Changes in release 11.38 (2015-06-01)
Rebuild with additional AND/ORs for annotations.
Changes in release 11.37 (2015-05-29)
Added STL export for in-process geometry.
Improvements in simulation code to be more reliable.
Changes in release 11.36 (2015-05-22)
Improvments in sumulator to repair degenerate facets that are created in
the process of the intersection.
Changes in release 11.35 (2015-05-11)
Simplified the Simulation menu and added an option to make the
simulation volume transparent, to more easily see the final CAD
shape of the workpiece.
Changes in release 11.34 (2015-05-11)
Increased precision of the XYZ and IJK display in the floating
position window.
Improved support for STEP geometry with unusual topology, degenerate
toroids, holes in closed surfaces, and certain cylinder trim cases.
Updated to ST-Developer 16 SP2.
Changes in release 11.33 (2015-04-14)
Fixed bug in volume removal to be more reliable.
Changes in release 11.32 (2015-04-09)
Enhanced robustness of profile sweeping code.
Changes in release 11.31 (2015-04-07)
Fixed bug in volume removal to be more reliable.
Changes in release 11.30 (2015-03-25)
Improvments in simulation code to make it more reliable.
Changes in release 11.29 (2015-03-18)
Optimized several heavily used traversals within the STEP-NC DLL,
which boosts performance of the AptStepMaker and Tolerance classes.
The STEP-NC Machine tool will load files faster, and programs will
create STEP-NC data faster.
Changes in release 11.28 (2015-03-15)
Changed the versioning of the STEP-NC DLL as it is installed into
the GAC so that third-party programs will continue to work after
installing an updated version of STEP-NC Machine. The strong name
for those DLLs now use just the major number, eg, when it
is installed into the GAC.
Changes in release 11.27 (2015-03-12)
Fixed some performance regression in simulation code.
Bug fixed in simulation code to handle additional cases.
Installer now places the STEP-NC DLL into the Global Assembly Cache
(GAC) and registers the COM interface so that third party programs
can use it easily.
Updated the Tolerance class to change the return value of boolean
functions from Int64 to Boolean.
Changes in release 11.26 (2015-03-11)
Improvments in simulation code to eliminiate degenerate facets in shell
Performance improvement in ID managment code.
Changes in release 11.25 (2015-03-03)
Fixed bug in simulation code where the in-process model was being corrupted
by large gashes due to non coplanar adjacent facets having their common
edge flipped.
Changes in release 11.24 (2015-03-02)
Fixed crash in simulation code.
Added DMU 85 Machine model.
Improvments in simulation code to correctly handle shell components that
do not intersect with the tool sweep.
Changes in release 11.23 (2015-02-23)
Internal release
Changes in release 11.22 (2015-02-19)
Internal release
Changes in release 11.21 (2015-02-18)
Corrected scaling issue when a STEP-NC file only contains
toolpaths -- no part geometry present.
Changes in release 11.20 (2015-02-09)
Corrected buy in the tool sweeping code that was causing the
in-process workpiece to disappear in some simulations.
Changes in release 11.19 (2015-02-09)
Improvements in simulation code to handle more cases:
- more reliable intersection processing
- now handles tool sweeps where the tool axis is parallel to the direction
of motion (e.g. drilling operations)
Changes in release 11.18 (2015-02-06)
Interal realease
Changes in release 11.17 (2015-01-20)
Added MTConnect toolbar for easy viewing of the remote status of a
machine within a STEP-NC program.
Changes in release 11.16 (2015-01-15)
Updated the simualtion code to be more accurate when handling tool
profile sweeps.
Changes in release 11.15 (2015-01-14)
New functionality for defining semantic tolerances from presentation
tolerances: The part property tree now lists a meaningful name for
each presentation tolerance callout to make selection easier. We
also only list the unused callouts. The interface will make a best
guess as to which presentation tolerance to use for a semantic one
when multiple ones are available.
The STEP-NC DLL now has a strong name, so it should be installable
into the GAC. The plugin dll and explorer also have strong names.
The installer does not put anything into the GAC yet. The public
key tokens for the DLLs are:
stepnc_x64.dll => 1cb0c76fde15bbda
stepnc_x86.dll => 1cb0c76fde15bbda
stepnc_plugin.dll => d5187ad0297db139
Changes in release 11.14 (2014-12-30)
Removed COM visibility for the GeomView control. There are compile
time issues when importing it because of missing COM definitions for
some of the .NET graphics things that it uses.
Updated import code to convert units of tessellated geometry items.
Changes in release 11.13 (2014-12-23)
The default unit setting now stays were you put it and no longer
toggles between settings in subsequent runs.
Changes in release 11.12 (2014-12-22)
Improved coloring in tessellated annotations.
Internal: added methods to control visibility of toolpaths:
GeomView::SetToolpathVisible, GeomView::IsToolpathVisible.
Changes in release 11.11 (2014-12-19)
Added support for AP242 tessellated annotations.
Changes in release 11.10 (2014-12-18)
Significant performance improvments in simulation code.
The STEP-NC DLL now exports a COM interface for all public classes.
Changes in release 11.9 (2014-12-16)
Minor update to profile sweeping code to handle profile points near
the origin.
Changes in release 11.8 (2014-12-12)
Major improvements in quality and speed of simulation code. Is now
more reliable and the simplification code is run with a higher
tolerance, resulting in fewer facets in the in-process model, and
thus better performance.
The plugin interface now handles blocks reported back using the N
numbers as well as block counts from the start of the file. The
sample code for the plugins now has an MTConnect implementation that
can be customized as needed.
Updated for API changes in stixmesh 16.10
Updated message reporting code to allow ROSE messages to be reported
when the environment variable STEPNC_REPORT_MODE is set. (This does
2 things: 1. enable ROSE messages; 2. set message mode to the the
value of the variable: (0=printf, 1=message box, 2=console window,
3=hold (not very useful outside the system)4=winconsole))
Changes in release 11.7 (2014-11-25)
Changed AP242 tessellated output slightly to write empty lists
instead of nulls, which were causing issues with some other readers.
Simplified the plugin interface by combining four separate calls to
get the current block, x, y, and z values into one call. This makes
it easier to synchronize values when an entire packet of information
comes from the machine. In code, replace GetCurrentProgramBlock and
GetActualProgramX/Y/Z with a single call to GetProgramPosition.
Renamed GetCurrentProgramUnit to GetProgramPositionUnit
Added the GetProgramBlockType function which returns an enum
describing how the plugin will report where in the MCD code file
execution is at.
Changes in release 11.6 (2014-11-12)
Reworked material removal simulation user interface so that you can
now control it using the same controls used for motion display.
Selecting the Simulate checkbox will now initialize the raw material
and begin showing removals at the current point.
Improvements to simulation algorithm to be more reliable.
Fixed bug in intersection algorithm where tool sweeps with a Z-axis change
were not getting generated.
Changes in release 11.5 (2014-11-11)
Internal release for testing.
Changes in release 11.4 (2014-11-07)
Internal release for testing.
Changes in release 11.3 (2014-11-05)
Internal release for testing.
Changes in release 11.2 (2014-10-23)
Added utility methods in GeomView: RenderInstance, IsInstanceRendered,
SetToolPos, SetToolAxis, SetToolRef.
Simplified CNC code exporting and configuring. The settings are
accessed from the File | Export Code menu, or the View | CNC
Tracking window. The setting include a code style for the Quick
Export (Ctl+E) and Load from the tracking window as well as work
offsets and possibly filenames for each.
Added plugin support for user-created DLLs that report back CNC
position status for live updating.
When starting simulations, the rawpiece should be automatically
Changes in release 11.1 (2014-10-17)
Internal release for testing.
Changes in release 11.0 (2014-10-09)
Added support for exporting colored AP242 models from the simulation.
Changes in release 10.57 (2014-09-24)
Fixed crash that occurred in simulation when switcing tools when new
tool has not yet been rendered.
Changes in release 10.56 (2014-09-23)
Updated intersection tolerances in machine simulation code. (In
addition to manual advance (F8))
Changes in release 10.55 (2014-09-23)
Tweaked intersection tolerance to for greater reliability
Changed the loading of DLLs for Okuma integration to use the Global
Assembly Cache instead of looking for DLLs in specific diretories.
The tool loads the latest assembly and checks the version to make
sure that it is new enough.
Changes in release 10.54 (2014-09-08)
Rebuild to flush out instabilities.
Changes in release 10.53 (2014-09-06)
Added support for in-process coloring by toolpath.
Changes in release 10.52 (2014-08-27)
Fixed bug in in-process initialize that did not get the correct workpiece
in some cases
Changes in release 10.51 (2014-08-21)
Improvments in simulation. Now does a more aggressive simplificaiton of the
mesh for better performance.
Changes in release 10.50 (2014-08-06)
Changed Okuma control palette to come up in the visibility state
that it was previously in.
Made some adjustments to the toolpath solving that should help with
the tracking of initial moves.
Changes in release 10.49 (2014-08-04)
Fixed issues with curve parameterization that were causing problems
with live toolpath tracking.
Using the checkboxes on the workplan tree to enable/disable things
will also select them so that you can see what you have clicked.
Changes in release 10.48 (2014-07-28)
Fixed bug in simulator that was causing a crash when the workpiece was
not initialized.
Changes in release 10.47 (2014-07-28)
Changed Okuma CNC tracking to monitor position more frequently when
not doing material removal simulation.
Changes in release 10.46 (2014-07-25)
Fixed intermediate tool position display when simulating.
When viewing the part properties tab, picking a face in the geometry
window will now highlight all associated tolerances and callouts.
Changes in release 10.45 (2014-07-25)
Reworked the Okuma control panel for simpler operation, with three
different presets with configurable filenames and work offsets. The
load button creates machine code and makes that the active program.
When the program has been loaded, the preset button will turn green
until some change is made to the program.
Changes in release 10.44 (2014-07-22)
Better performance in simulation due to more aggressive mesh simplification.
Fixed bug in simulation tracking at the end of a workingstep.
Changes in release 10.43 (2014-07-17)
Improvements to tool change code for Okuma.
Changes in release 10.42 (2014-07-14)
Simulation performance improvements.
Machining time estimates now include time for rapids based on a
rapid speed of 1200 in/min.
Added corner radius and flute count to the description of each tool
in the Tools for WS tab.
Changes in release 10.41 (2014-07-09)
Corrected unit issue when tracking positions on an Okuma control.
Now displaying tool parameter values with reasonable digits of
When running directly on an Okuma control, the explorer will connect
to the control at startup and prepare to track block positions.
Now remembering the display state of the Files and Status toolbars
between runs.
Changes in release 10.40 (2014-07-05)
Updating the Okuma tracking to show the actual incremental position
between blocks along the toolpath.
Updated Okuma machine following code to simulate volume removal as
it runs.
Changes in release 10.39 (2014-07-01)
Fix for regression in volume removal code.
Changes in release 10.38 (2014-06-30)
Fixed Okuma machine description XML to reliably place the part.
This corrects a bug where the position was not always initialized,
resulting in a random placement of the workpiece on the machine.
Changes in release 10.37 (2014-06-26)
Can now connect to an Okuma control via the THINC API. When running
locally on the CNC, go to the View menu and select the Okuma testing
panel. It will establish a machine connection. Next, read STEP-NC
data and export codes. Load and start the codes on the Okuma, then
when you press the "Start Tracking" button it will show the current
CNC position in the STEP-NC display.
Fixed race condition on startup where the geometry window was not
visible until the application was resized.
Added internal API: GeomView::SolveToolpathT()
Changes in release 10.36 (2014-06-17)
Forced Okuma spindle speeds to be integer values (no decimal).
Corrections to tool placements.
Fixed race condition that sometimes prevented the geometry display
from refreshing when opening a file or going to a new workpiece.
Changes in release 10.35 (2014-06-10)
Updated PMI display to handle annotation_occurrence (in addition to
Fixed bug where the Center View on Tool function was not working correctly
when a machine simulator was active.
Enabled two-sided display of annotation planes
Updated display of selected edge to include red bounding box for better
Changes in release 10.34 (2014-06-09)
Updated Okuma M560-V to move X axis to spindle from workpiece.
Fixed bug where edge curves in PMI data were not getting selected.
Tool length should now be displayed correctly in the graphics window
when the current length is set for a tool.
Changes in release 10.33 (2014-06-06)
Added machine tool model for Okuma M560-V
The part properties pane now shows callouts attached to geometry
when there are no tolerances or datums on a workpiece.
Changes in release 10.32 (2014-05-29)
When opening a STEP-NC file, the explorer will now go to the
workplan tab if it is elsewhere.
Changes in release 10.31 (2014-05-29)
STEP-NC File open dialogs now look for .stpnc, .stp, .step, and .p21
by default.
When opening a plain STEP file, the explorer will go to the part
properties pane and expand the first part that contains tolerances.
Changes in release 10.30 (2014-05-28)
Fixed bug in volume removal code, where assemblies of tools were not
functioning properly.
Selecting a semantic datum will now show associated presentation
info as with tolerances.
Selecting a tolerance on the part properties pane will also highlite
in bold all related tolerances.
Changes in release 10.29 (2014-05-25)
When selecting a semantic tolerance on the part properties pane, the
geometry window will show any associated presentation info for that
Changes in release 10.28 (2014-05-25)
Now displaying the latest AP242 presentation PMI data.
Updated display of tolerances to include display of AP242 datum
Changes in release 10.27 (2014-05-20)
Added option to allow the in-process geometry to be saved to a
AP 242 tessellation file.
Changes in release 10.26 (2014-05-19)
Added tolerance highlighting for data containing new AP242 face
associations. Also disabled highlighting all tols when nothing is
selected on the part properties pane.
Changes in release 10.25 (2014-05-15)
Bug fixes in tool sweepng to be more robust.
The code now assumes a ".STP" file describes a workpiece. Previously
the assumption was only made for ".stp" files.
Changes in release 10.24 (2014-05-12)
Updates to tool sweeping code to better handle ramps.
Added license key checking for tool path extrusion code.
Changes in release 10.23 (2014-04-23)
Bug fixes in volume removal code, including fix for a crash when sweeping
a toolpath and performance improvements.
Changes in release 10.22 (2014-04-23)
Major improvements to volume removal code, making the shell sweeping
far more reliable.
Added tool sweeping code to simulation
Changes in release 10.21 (2014-04-22)
Internal release
Changes in release 10.20 (2014-04-22)
Internal release
Changes in release 10.19 (2014-04-14)
Performance improvements to the Tool pane.
When playing the motion simulation, the Explorer now skips disabled
Changes in release 10.18 (2014-04-07)
Updates to read ISO 13399 geometry files from relative addresses.
ISO 13399 tool assemblies, such as new Sandvik tools, can now be
read from relative addresses in the ZIP that contains the STEP-NC
Changes in release 10.17 (2014-04-05)
Updated the installer to include the VS2008 profiles for the runtime
as well as the runtime libraries, which makes them available in the
system folder rather than just the SxS area.
Changes in release 10.16 (2014-04-04)
Reworked the STEP-NC Machine Explorer and DLL so that it now uses
the older .NET Framework v2.0, which is available on a wider range
of machines. In particular, this should allow use on machine tool
controls that are still based on older Windos XP environments. As
part of this, the C++ runtime has also changed to the older VS2008
one, but this is handled by the installer.
Changes in release 10.15 (2014-04-03)
Added shell simplification pass to each material removal simulation
Extended tessellated support to handle the latest AP242 Catia data
with complete tri strips and tri fans.
Updated handling of PMI to support new styles of draughting models.
Updated presentation resolution code to detect unimplemented cases
and avoid crashing.
Changes in release 10.14 (2014-03-12)
Update for stixsim 15.5:
Fixed bug in boolean code where insertion of intersection points was failing
due to the existance of (temporary) degenerate facets.
Changes in release 10.13 (2014-03-11)
Fixed bug in simulation code where facet-edge intersections were not
getting found due to a too-small epsilon value in the building box.
Changes in release 10.12 (2014-03-10)
Update for stixsim 15.3: Bug fixes in volume removal simulation:
shell boolean where intersections were not being found when U or V
came out as small negative values. (Technically off the facet, but
within tolerance.)
Changes in release 10.11 (2014-03-04)
Presentation tolerances are now displayed properly
Added "Change tool assignment" action to the workingsteps on the
tool pane. Selecting the folder of all workinsteps will change all
of them at once.
Added unit selection for display of ISO 13399 properties. The
normal tool properties do not respect this yet.
Added geometry refresh and tool centering when changing the ISO
13399 assembly length or when loading new parameters
Changes in release 10.10 (2014-02-19)
More intersection improvements.
Now supports GZIP compressed STEP files from Catia and other
Changes in release 10.9 (2014-02-14)
Corrections for many intersection failures.
Changes in release 10.8 (2014-02-13)
You can now select "Write Intersection Log" from the Simulate menu
to save the current state of the in-process removal. The file will
be written to the same directory as the STEP-NC data file.
Fixed bug in material removal computation that was causing empty
intersections (air milling) to be very slow.
Changes in release 10.7 (2014-02-12)
Additional improvements to the material removal capabilities.
Changes in release 10.6 (2014-02-11)
Improvements to the material removal capabilities.
Changes in release 10.5 (2014-02-11)
Added methods to geometry display to demonstrate in-process removals
capabilities: InProcessInit(), InProcessNibble(), InProcessDump();
and DisplayInProcessShell property
Changes to help debug material removal simulation
Improvements to ISO 13399 tool processing.
Part properties pane now lists workpiece ID for easier tracing
Changes in release 10.4 (2014-01-22)
After updating from 10.3 or earlier, Please "Repair" the
installation to make sure that the cutting tool schema is updated
Added second installer for 32bit-only machines.
The File | Export code menu entries and saving files are no longer
disabled when running the STEP-NC explorer with no key. Also, when
looking for a key, the package now looks for a v10 key.
Several internal changes to unit scaling when importing assemblies.
Changes in release 10.3 (2014-01-21)
Corrected several installer problems that failed to install all
64bit C++ runtime DLLs and some x86 ones. The MSI is now properly
marked as a 64bit installer.
Changes in release 10.2 (2014-01-20)
Corrected an installer problem that resulted in missing DLLs when
updating from an earlier version.
Added .NET calls to explicitly request permission to call unmanaged
code in the STEP-NC DLL. It appears that this restriction is being
strongly enforced on some machines, resulting in an access violation
at startup.
Changes in release 10.1 (2014-01-19)
Ignore attempts to change a tool to nothing.
Added cutting tool schema back into the installer. It was omitted
when updating the packaging for v10.
Fixed crash when cross section window is open when there is no
active workingstep.
Changes in release 10.0 (2014-01-09)
STEP-NC Explorer is now a 64bit executable. A 32bit version is also
included for use with older machines.
CNC code generation is now available in the free version of the
STEP-NC Explorer.
Complete rework of the STEP-NC DLL from 32bit COM based on vc6 to a
64bit .NET library with modern VC 2012 runtime. All DLLs, exes, and
msis are now digitally signed.
The dialog to adjust the tool used by an operation now has more
options than just diameter to filter the available tools.
Reworked the user interface for code export so that it asks for the
destination file after pressing OK on the options dialog rather than
before the options are shown.
Added "Insert Selective" to the Edit menu for executables.
Changes in release 9.76 (2013-12-17)
Removed calls to deprecated functions.
Changes in release 9.75 (2013-12-13)
Fixed unexpected behavior in machine code generation.
Changes in release 9.74 (2013-12-12)
ISO 13399 tool parameter improvements.
Changes in release 9.70-9.73 (2013-12-10)
Internal release for testing.
Added call to import workplan to the import menu.
Changes in release 9.69 (2013-12-04)
Import workpiece functions now support STEP geometry written using
the new AP242 Tesselated Geometry model.
The right-click context menu on workingsteps now has an option to
adjust the workpieces associated for before, after, and delta shapes.
The right-click context menu on workingsteps now has an option to
adjust the tool used by an operation, with the choices filtered by
matching diameter
Changes in release 9.66-9.68 (2013-12-04)
Internal releases.
Changes in release 9.65 (2013-11-22)
New function to import a whole workplan using an STRL
New function to convert any executable into a selective
Existing functionality to convert a selective to a workplan now
removes the selective completely if it only contains one executable
Copy STRL functionality now remembers the name of the current
Export workpiece now includes the current placement of the workpiece
so that CAM systems can be programmed against that placement.
Changes in release 9.64 (2013-11-19)
Corrected a rounding error that was giving bad results in the
cutting time display.
The right-click context menu on workingsteps now has an option to
adjust the toolpath placement.
Changes in release 9.63 (2013-11-18)
Selecting a workpiece, tolerance or datum in the part tree now
selects it with a bounding box in the geometry window.
Changes in release 9.62 (2013-11-18)
Restore the master list of datums on the right side of the geometry
Added a checkbox to turn construction planes on and off.
Changes in release 9.61 (2013-11-17)
Fixes for datum descriptions.
Changes in release 9.60 (2013-11-17)
Additional refinements to workpiece subcomponent display.
Changes in release 9.59 (2013-11-17)
Refinement to workpiece subcomponent display.
Changes in release 9.58 (2013-11-17)
The part tab now shows subcomponents of a workpiece if present.
Changes in release 9.57 (2013-11-16)
Now showing datums as children of tolerances in the tree display.
DLL now has a function to define a straight reamer.
Added an entry to the "View" menu to control whether back faces are
painted (good for looking at the inside a shell) or not shown (the
default, faster)
Changes in release 9.56 (2013-11-16)
Update for graphics improvements and other internal rework.
Changes in release 9.55 (2013-11-05)
The breakdown into hours, minutes, and seconds for the machining
time estimates is now handled correctly.
Graphics improvements for multiple vertex loops on spheres, surfaces
with hundreds of holes, and periodic NURBS surfaces.
Changes in release 9.54 (2013-10-18)
Added missing tool id function to DLL
Changes in release 9.53 (2013-10-18)
Added Merge Next Workingstep and Merge All Following Workingsteps to
the Add/Modify popup menu and Edit toolbar menu for the machining
process tab. These merge the selected workingstep with the
following workingsteps(s) if they have compatible tools and process
Added guard against overflow for machining time estimates.
Rollup of several months of geometry faceting changes to create
better meshes and to do it faster with multiple threads.
Changes in release 9.52 (2013-03-21)
Updated faceter for better handling of periodic surfaces,
singularities, and better quality meshes. Error recovery code
prevents crashes when a face does not facet properly. Better
performance for complex surfaces.
Ignored unknown tool paths (e.g. connectors) rather than crashing.
Use the operation's technology if it is not specified on a toolpath.
Changes in release 9.51 (2012-10-26)
Correction to the APT CL parser for NX.
Changes in release 9.50 (2012-09-29)
Fixed misidentification of pocket flat bottom conditions as through
in the features property dialog.
Updated internals to new software stack which has better support for
AP242 plus better code sharing across CAD and CAM development tracks
for faster deployment of CAM data exchange
Changes in release 9.49 (2012-06-29)
Corrected issues with tool units.
Changes in release 9.48 (2012-06-22)
Corrected issues with APT parsing of MULTAX and COOLANT statements.
Changes in release 9.47 (2012-06-22)
DLL fixes to correct feedrates for metric models. This problem
affected the MasterCAM export plugin.
Changes in release 9.46 (2012-06-14)
Any supplemental geometry is now shown as part of the annotations
when present in a file. Planes are trimmed to a portion of the part
bounding volume and are drawn with 50% transparency.
Updated Mazak machine tool model to correct some minor issues with
the tool changer kinematics.
Changes in release 9.45 (2012-06-08)
Extended machine tool menu with a "Show Extra Machine Motions"
submenu containing any extra kinematic motions defined for the
current machine. Selecting a motion will execute it.
Changes in release 9.44 (2012-06-06)
Changes to make tolerance face display more robust when given
geometry that does not use proper shape rep subtypes.
Added improved Mazak machine tool model with much more detailed
geometry and kinematics descriptions.
Changes in release 9.43 (2012-05-25)
Implemented machine kinematics case for an empty workpiece chain,
which fixes a crash in some new KTH data.
Changes in release 9.42 (2012-05-21)
Fixed some viewing problems related to degenerate closed loops and
unset values in presentation information.
Changes in release 9.41 (2012-04-16)
Replaced the Mazak VQC 20 machine model with one that has better
axis limit information, which should correct the limit issues with
the previous version.
Corrected an internal problem that prevented axis limit exceeded
messages were not being shown. Also changed the display so that
they are now shown in a larger font at the bottom of the geometry
Changes in release 9.40 (2012-04-13)
Added Mazak VQC 20 machine model with AP242 kinematics. Note that
the machine limits for this model may still need adjustment, so you
may need to move the part around using the Machine Tool | Adjust
Mount Point dialog.
Updated machine kinematics processor to handle the case where a
single kinematic_link_representation_association is referenced by
multiple context_dependant_kinematic_link_representation objects.
Reversed the high and low limits of the axes on the workpiece chain
for machines described by AP 242 kinematics.
Improved faceter to correct problem computing UV-space distance,
which was causing some bad trimming paths. Now limiting tolerance
on shells to global uncertainty, which corrects some faceting
Corrected problem where the wrong copy of a point was being used to
connect multiple toolpaths.
Changes in release 9.39 (2012-02-24)
Corrected issues AP-238 CC1 export function.
Added support for extra geometry in AP242 kinematics models and
updated Hermle 5-axis AC machine model with complete geometry for
housing and other extra pieces.
Now zooms to full view after importing toolpaths or workpieces so
that any changes are immediately visible. Previously, particularly
with an empty workplan, the view might not display the new data.
Changes in release 9.38 (2011-12-15)
Added support for machine tool models described using AP242 with
kinematics. Includes an example Hermle 5-axis AC machine model.
Changes in release 9.37 (2011-11-14)
The STEP-NC Explorer now has full international character set
support for filenames and input strings.
Updated with pre-release ST-Developer v15 fixes for UTF-8 support.
Changes in release 9.36 (2011-10-14)
Updated with pre-release ST-Developer v15 fixes for much faster
reading of STEP machine tool models.
Graphics improvements that improve quality of facets, handle faces
that were previously missing, and catch unusual assembly structures
that were causing repeated or misplaced components.
Changes in release 9.35 (2011-08-29)
Improved handling of wrap-around NURBS surfaces and STEP surfaces of
Added new simplified DMG machine tool model created by KTH.
Changes in release 9.34 (2011-08-25)
Rigid tapping on Fanuc and Haas now use G84/G80 blocks.
RPI Haas style now uses whitespace for better readability.
Custom code export style names are now case insensitive.
Changes in release 9.33 (2011-08-17)
Faceting is now faster because it is done in multiple threads.
Using a minimum of 2, and a maximum 4 based on the number of
(virtual) processors in the system.
Corrected bug where STEP data deletions were causing the system to
Removed extraneous refresh code that was slowing down editing of
tool diameter, length, and radius values.
Added internal notifications to stop background processing when the
STEP-NC data is changing.
Changes in release 9.32 (2011-08-16)
Major changes in the event loop processing which should keep things
much more responsive while facetting. The faceter also now runs in
a separate thread in the background.
Faces are now added to the display as they get faceted. The axis
direction arrows are now drawn using the stencil buffer and Z-buffer
is preserved across multiple redraws.
Fixed regression that prevented the Hurco machine from displaying.
Now displaying coordinates in the main geometry window when picking
faces. The coordinates and controls are still shown on the position
Changes in release 9.31 (2011-08-15)
Added "rpi-haas" code export style.
Pick face to return actual pick point on face, and make Setup WCS or
part space results work properly.
Machine tool models on the machine tool menu are now grouped by type
into virtual, milling, turning or robot categories.
Improved graphics performance with special-case code for sphereical,
toroidal, cylindrical, and conical_surface. This should result in
faster and better faceting. Other facetting internal improvements.
Fixed regression where missing probing tools were causing a crash in
old data.
Improved handling of degenerate trim edges (edges that are smaller
than the global uncertainty of the context.) (Such edges really
should never appear in the STEP data, but we do encounter them
Changes in release 9.30 (2011-07-14)
Added two new machine models for the ABB IRB 6640 and IRB 120 robots
for testing non-milling types of processes as described below.
Changes in release 9.29 (2011-07-12)
Added a new machine model for ABB IRB 6620 robot for testing other
non-milling types of processes like welding, tape laying, or pick
and place. When used for motion simulation, the tool is currently
placed where the end effector would be.
Changes in release 9.28 (2011-07-12)
Same as v9.29 above, but installer did not include robot geometry.
Changes in release 9.27 (2011-07-09)
Reworked the position window to clarify what origin is used for the
coordinates and to allow display in different units. The window now
has a toolbar at the bottom. One of the toolbar button selects the
origin as either the Part Space or the Setup WCS. Previously this
was handled by the "Apply Setup Transform" checkbox. The other
button sets the display to use the file units or force inch or mm.
When picking a face, the position window now shows coordinates in
Setup WCS if that option is selected. Previously it always showed
the coordinates in Part Space.
After changing a Setup WCS, the geometry display is now centered on
the part and fixtures no longer turn on inadvertantly.
The machine tool menu now has a "Show Extra Machine Geometry" button
to turn on display of things like doors and cabinets that are not
part of the motion axes. This is a per-machine setting, so you can
turn it on for one while leaving it off for others. The Hurco and
trunnion machine models both have extra geometry.
Reorganized the machine tool menu on the toolbar. It is now called
"Machine Tool" instead of "Motion". The "Collision" checking button
is now on this menu rather than the top toolbar.
Updated faceter with additional performance improvements.
Removed spurious message when feeds updated for workingstep.
Tool length adjustment algorithms updated to work when the tool is
in inches but the ISO 13399 parameters are in mm and vice versa.
Changes in release 9.26 (2011-07-01)
Added a new machine tool model for Hurco 5-axis AC machine.
Improvements to graphics performance. Reduced memory usage.
Changes in release 9.25 (2011-06-23)
Corrected the workpiece placement in the for AutoMetric Micro
machine tool model. Moved the placement so that it should be on the
table now.
Improvements to graphics performance. Corrected some slow behavior
when facetting certain types of faces, which should make models come
up faster.
Changes in release 9.24 (2011-06-20)
Added new machine tool model for AutoMetric Micro.
Extended machine model XML parser to alow missing geometry on an
axis in a chain. Added up="-y" direction for workspace orientation
and parser to handle table="-x", etc.
Internal improvements to the geometry faceting code
Changes in release 9.23 (2011-05-31)
Added keyboard shortcut F7 to intersect current position, plus API
refinemants for fine adjustments to position when doing facetted
simulation. Also showing wait cursor during intersection.
Changes in release 9.22 (2011-05-23)
Now rebuilding the tool assembly and potentially forcing updates to
the tool pane and geometry when changing ISO13399 files for a tool.
Changes in release 9.21 (2011-05-23)
Changes in release 9.20 (2011-05-23)
Internal release.
Changes in release 9.19 (2011-05-20)
Now trying to build a tool assembly from ISO 13399 data before
populating the tool pane. If any of the basic properties change as
part of that assembly process, the pane will now show the correct
values. The geometry display is also updated if an assembly was
produced in that process.
Changes in release 9.18 (2011-05-18)
Changes to the ISO 13399 tool functions and speedups to the display
refresh when modifying the functional length of a tool assembly.
Also added pop-up menu with basic tool operations to workingsteps
associated with a tool.
Update of the ISO 13399 schema to fix the ordering of item_version
Corrected internal issue that was crashing on the Boxy test data.
Changes in release 9.17 (2011-05-12)
Update of the ISO 13399 schema to fix some issues with missing
transform data, plus internal reorganization of ISO 13399 tool
Changes in release 9.16 (2011-05-05)
Improved refresh time and geometric update after changes to the
clamping lengths of tool assemblies.
Changes in release 9.15 (2011-05-04)
Improved refresh for changes to clamping lengths of tool assemblies,
and pressing enter on clamping length field activates the dialog.
Changes in release 9.14 (2011-05-03)
Internal release
Changes in release 9.13 (2011-04-28)
Now displaying units for ISO13399 parameters, and the parameters
should be shown after creating a tool assembly.
Now displaying units for all other tool parameters as well.
Changes in release 9.12 (2011-04-27)
Added "Load ISO13399 from File" and "Assemble Tool from ISO13399"
options to the pop-up right click menu on tools in the tool tab.
Assembling a tool can be done multiple times and you can provide
your own or default values for the clamping lengths.
More improvements to the toolpath sweep removal code. The swept
shells and the intersections should be more robust and can start
accumulating multiple sweeps.
Changes in release 9.11 (2011-04-22)
Fixed schema conflict that was causing workpiece import to fail
after reading ISO 13399 data.
Internal API changes to the STEP-NC DLL to accomodate assembly of
tool models from ISO 13399 data.
Changes in release 9.10 (2011-04-11)
Fixed occasional problem with unrecognized units when importing
Intersect current tool position function should now handle
overlapping 3-axis intersections much better.
When capturing a movie, you can now control the framerate of the
resulting video.
Changes in release 9.9 (2011-03-24)
Testing toolpath sweep removal. Added menu entries to the Simulate
menu to toggle display of an in-progress model, intersect current
tool position, and intersect a toolpath sweep to the next waypoint.
Changes in release 9.8 (2011-03-17)
Added initial test code for computing toolpath sweep volumes, as
"Show Sweep Volume" under the Simulate menu. Currently handles
linear toolpath segments and does not yet take into account setup
placement or tool axis changes.
Internal geometry improvements, plus the Part Properties pane can
now display a part as a working shell model for simulation testing.
On the right-click popup menu for parts, use the "Show/Hide Shell
Models" to toggle them on or off.
Changes in release 9.7 (2011-02-11)
The Part Properties pane can now display a part as a voxel model.
On the right-click popup menu for parts, use the "Show/Hide Voxel
Models" to toggle them on or off. By default, the voxels have a
dimension of 1 unit (mm or inch, whichever the part uses). You can
set the resolution using the "Set Voxel Resolution" menu item.
Display of ISO 13399 parameters has been corrected to eliminate
duplicate properties.
Relaxed some assertions in the faceter to allow more models to
Changes in release 9.6 (2011-01-19)
ISO 13399 parameters are now brought in using an STRL link. Use
this by adding a Tool Reference Data property to a tool, and then
specifying the STRL using the right-click menu.
Imported ISO 13399 parameters are now displayed in a tree according
to the assembly or item structure in the CTF file.
Many internal updates to geometry and voxel simulation handling.
Changes in release 9.5 (2011-01-05)
Added entry for Tool Reference Data (ISO 13399) to the tool pane.
The tool reference data can include an STRL and will be displayed
Changes in release 9.4 (2011-01-04)
Internal release
Changes in release 9.3 (2010-12-10)
Updated internals to new shell-based STEP facetter.
Fixed voxel display and the stpsim voxel simulation generation
program so the Explorer can again display voxel simulations. This
had been broken during the update to the new graphics engine.
Changes in release 9.2 (2010-11-12)
Improvements to the facetting of STEP geometry.
Added a new wireframe mode for displaying the facetted model. Under
the Views toolbar menu, select Wireframe or Shaded to switch between
the two displays.
Changes in release 9.1 (2010-11-04)
The trees and panes now keep better track of the workingstep, tool,
or tolerance that you are looking at as you move from pane to pane.
So picking a workingstep in the workplans tab, then moving to the
tools or features tabs will show you that workingstep on the other
tabs, and vice versa.
The Feed/Speed editing pane now has more flexible options for
highlighting toolpaths and executable. Instead of a single on/off
button, there is now a menu where you can choose whether to draw
toolpaths in bold, show workingsteps in a bold text, and whether to
expand the workplan tree to see all affected workingsteps.
Eliminated unneccessary reload of the workplan tree when editing
Changes in release 9.0 (2010-10-26)
Tool properties like diameter, length, etc. can now be given upper
and lower requirements along with reasons for the requirements.
Right click on a property in the tool tab and select "Edit Upper
Lower Requirements" to bring up the editing dialog.
Updated the tools tab so that the tooltips that give machining times
should be much more responsive to changes.
The part properties tab now has a Measurements category for the
measurement geometry used by compensation workingsteps.
Improved faceting problems on some faces with unusual edge curves.
Changes in release 8.78 (2010-10-15)
Fine tuning the delays on the tooltips that give machining times.
Fixed faceting problems where wrap-around on sigularities was not
getting handled correctly and trim curve processing of complete
loops in the middle of the path.
STRLs are now stripped from workingstep names in comments of the
exported codes.
Changes in release 8.77 (2010-10-14)
Enabling and disabling workingsteps is now much quicker, and the
tooltips that give machining times should be much more responsive to
Graphics improvements should shorten the initial display time for
most workpieces.
Changes in release 8.76 (2010-10-11)
Corrected extraneous linear moves after Fanuc-style helix export in
fanuc, okuma, and haas output.
Changes in release 8.75 (2010-10-08)
Changed enable/disable workingstep handling so that the chosen
workingstep in a selective is preserved when the selectives is
disabled and re-enabled. Previously, it was always resetting to the
first one in the list. The individual states of all nested working
steps are now also preserved when a workplan is turned off and on.
On Fanuc and Okuma code generation, now allowing for up to five
degrees of slack in the determination of the helix working plane to
account for setup compensation adjustments.
Changes in release 8.74 (2010-10-07)
Changed the mapping for Touch_Probe as described in the TC/E2
documents. It is now a proper tool ARM subtype and instance of AIM
machining_tool rather than a unique standalone type.
Added Diameter, Radius, and Functional Length to the Tools add
properties menu.
Fixed problem that prevented values from being committed when
editing the faces of a compensation workingstep.
Renamed Default Units to Units for Data Entry, and the menu now
asks the current model for the value.
Changes in release 8.73 (2010-10-06)
Internal release
Changes in release 8.72 (2010-10-01)
Major graphics update. Surfaces should no longer have any gaps at
the trim curves and singularities should also display much smoother.
This has been tested on a branch for several months, but there are
still likely to be some regressions, so let us know if you are
having problems with a particular file.
Added Edit Placement to the Part Properties context menu, to change
the orientation and location of individual workpiece shapes.
Reorganized some of the entries on the workplan pop-up menu.
Changes in release 8.71 (2010-10-01)
Internal release
Changes in release 8.70 (2010-09-30)
When setting Fixture | Machine Mount Reference, the dialog box now
contains a "best guess" computed initial value for the mount point
if one is not already present.
Fixed crash when picking machine tool model faces or shapes.
Moved the Import / Export Tool shape menu entries from the File menu
down to the context menu on workingsteps. Also added menu entries
to Export Initial, Final, and Delta shapes.
Retired the Import Max5 and Import AP238 CC1 options on the working
step context menu.
Changes in release 8.69 (2010-09-29)
The "Import Tool Parameters from STRL" context menu entry was trying
to import a workingstep by mistake, but has been corrected.
Extended the face color checkboxes on the side of the geometry
window to go up to datum "G".
Fixed the File | Open dialog so that it includes the .stpnc
Simplified the Export CNC dialog box by removing some outdated
Changes in release 8.68 (2010-09-28)
Internal release
Changes in release 8.67 (2010-09-28)
Fixture is now properly shown or hidden when a file is first read.
Previously it was always shown regardless of the checkbox state.
Fixture is also now shown for new workingsteps, frame definitions
and compensation workingsteps.
Added Apply/Remove Compensation entry to the popup menu on frame
definitions and compensation workingsteps. When a compensation has
not been applied, the icon includes a yellow warning triangle.
Added Insert Reference Frame and Insert Compensation Workingstep
menu entries to the edit menu on the workplan tree.
Updates to the display of fixture placements in setups and the
measurement geometry in compensation workingsteps.
Added rotation gadget to the placement-setting dialog used for
fixture and workpiece placements.
Menu entries for setting fixture reference points are grayed out
if a workplan does not locally define a fixture.
Added Delete All Unused Workpieces menu entry to the part properties
pop-up context menu.
Changes in release 8.66 (2010-09-27)
Internal release
Changes in release 8.65 (2010-09-24)
Internal release
Changes in release 8.64 (2010-09-22)
Internal release
Changes in release 8.63 (2010-09-21)
Internal release
Changes in release 8.62 (2010-09-17)
Moved the import as-is / to-be / delta functions from the File menu
down to the context menu on the operations in the tree window.
For workplans, added new Fixture options on the context menu to
import shape and set reference points. These are part of the setup
information, so a setup will be created if needed.
Changes in release 8.61 (2010-09-13)
Added Import | Raw Measurement Geometry option to the pop-up context
menu on compensation working steps.
Corrected test for no faces on the Show Nominal / Evaluated Faces
context menu entries.
Changes in release 8.60 (2010-09-10)
Added Import | Measurement Geometry option to the pop-up context
menu on compensation working steps.
Added Show Nominal / Evaluated / Frame Nominal / Frame Evaluated
Faces option to the pop-up context menu on compensation working
steps. This colors the faces red white and blue.
Changes in release 8.59 (2010-09-07)
Added support for the draft closed-loop programming model.
Compensation workingsteps are now identified with a different icon
and will display any associated measurement geometry.
STEP-NC files now have the .stpnc file extension. The older .238
extension is still supported, but is no longer the default.
Changes in release 8.58 (2010-08-09)
Internal improvements to probe plan generation functions.
Changes in release 8.57 (2010-07-30)
The algorithm used to define the as_is and to_be models for an
executable has been enhanced so that: if no as_is defined for a
model then the to_be for the last model is used. If no to_be is
defined for a workplan or selective, but there is one defined for
the last executable in that workplan or selective then it is used.
If there is still no as_is defined for a workplan or selective and
there is one defined for the first executable in that workplan or
selective then it is used.
Added Import Tool Parameters from STRL to the import context menu in
the workplan tree.
Extended the workplan setup dialog to either pick three intersecting
faces or type in the exact coordinates. Dialog is no longer modal.
Changes in release 8.56 (2010-07-28)
Internal release
Changes in release 8.55 (2010-07-28)
Internal release
Changes in release 8.54 (2010-07-15)
Added new tool parameters for material standard, recommended feed,
and recommended speed.
On the tool tab, only tool parameters that are set are shown.
Right-click on a tool now brings up a menu that allows you to set
new tool parameters.
Changes in release 8.53 (2010-07-15)
Internal release
Changes in release 8.52 (2010-07-01)
Flute count and corner radius tool parameters are not shown only
when they are set. Now displaying tip angle when present.
Corrected bug in tapping_cutting_tool where it was incorrectly
identified as a combined_drill_tap
Added guard to the helix code generation to watch for degenerate
planar cases and emit plain arc moves instead.
Changes in release 8.51 (2010-07-01)
Added support for the range of possible tool types and now
displaying tool properties for overall assembly length, flute
length, taper angle, hand of cut, through coolant, thread pitch,
thread size, thread taper count, and thread form.
Added background image to the viewer mode buttons to make the
selected one easier to see when using the Aero interface.
Changes in release 8.50 (2010-06-24)
Fixed some regression in picking faces and shapes.
Simplified the format of STRLs.
Changes in release 8.49 (2010-06-10)
Exported code now forces a hard stop M00 whenever the setup changes.
Added basic framework for generating tapping operations using the
parameters in the operation and feature locations, plus specific
code for G331/G332 rigid tapping operations on Siemens.
Changes in release 8.48 (2010-06-04)
Corrected bug where unclamped NURBS surfaces were not getting processed
Internal changes for the handling of cross-section data.
Changes in release 8.47 (2010-05-21)
The workpiece setup is now shown as the origin when displaying with
a machine model.
Added a second, smaller set of axes in the workpiece view (e.g. w/o
machine) to display the machining origin given by the workpiece setup.
Improved face picking get a more accurate coordinate value for the
picked point, and global picked coordinated are reported in the
current coordinate system.
Removed the smaller axes on the machine model. (They used to show the
tool axis and part placement.)
Changes in release 8.46 (2010-05-11)
Picking a machine tool model from the Motion menu now turns on
display of fixture shapes as well.
Updated handling of full circle helix.
Corrected facetting issue on KTH in-process model
Changes in release 8.45 (2010-05-06)
Rearranged the Setup | Workpiece Properties dialog to present
informaption in a clearer manner. Also added a Workpiece Properties
entry to the right-click popup menus on both the Workplan and Part
Properties tree tabs.
Added Machine Parameters entry to the right-click popup menus on the
Workplan tree tab, extended the dialog with a machine name field.
Also added a delete button to remove the requirements.
Fixed crash with KTH workpiece.
Improved license key handling on 64bit machines.
Changes in release 8.44 (2010-04-29)
Added a Horizontal Machining Center with a tombstone to the list of
available machine tool models, and updated the description so that
the machine tool model now comes up in the proper orientation.
Changes in release 8.43 (2010-04-27)
Added a new Horizontal Machining Center to the list of available
machine tool models.
Added "Adjust Mount Point/Machine Axes" to the "Motion" toolbar
menu. This brings up a dialog with spinner controls for the axes of
the machine tool model and the part mounting location on the machine
table. Using these controls you can move the part to different
locations on the table or temporarily nudge the machine tool axes.
Corrected a problem with the machining simulation that kept the
scene from updating when the tool position window was open and a
machine tool model was in use.
Changed the tool position window so that it will use scrollbars if
it is too small to contain its contents.
Changes in release 8.42 (2010-04-23)
Extended the face color checkboxes on the side of the geometry
window to go up to datum "F".
Changes in release 8.41 (2010-04-22)
On the Part Properties pane, the tooltip on Workpieces now gives a
count of the number of workingsteps that use a workpiece instead of
the number of workingsteps that reference a piece.
Changes in release 8.40 (2010-04-21)
Presentation information and drafting callouts are now associated
with their workpieces and are properly preserved when deleting other
On the Part Properties pane, Workpieces now have a tooltip that
indicates how many workingsteps use it.
Now ignoring disabled workingsteps when looking for the first
workingstep to display in a file
Status bar now shows when the geometry is done loading and the
content lists start loading.
Changes in release 8.39 (2010-04-12)
Updated "Open STRL" to open STEP-NC files from the network when
given a URL.
Some UI refinements to dialogs that pick faces (make tolerance,
datum, manage faces)
Extended the STRL entry field so that it resizes with the window,
added a "go" button. Other UI refinements.
Changes in release 8.38 (2010-04-12)
internal release
Changes in release 8.37 (2010-04-12)
internal release
Changes in release 8.36 (2010-04-08)
The selected workingstep now remains visible in the tree view when
selecting feeds and speeds, even if many folders are expanded to
highlight other workingsteps.
Adjusted display of feed and speed values to allow floating point
values at three digits of precision.
Updated the Feed/Speed pane with a button to control whether editing
maintains a constant chip load or allows the speed and feed values
to vary independently. Fixed refresh issue when editing all values
within a program, and selected the current technology after editing.
Changed the initial mode on the Feed/Speed pane so that it comes up
displaying values for the current tool rather than the entire
The Save As file dialog for is now initialized with the file name
and directory. Save on a new project is now handled as a Save As.
Corrected the background color on the model checkboxes when used
with Aero visual styles.
Changes in release 8.35 (2010-04-07)
internal release
Changes in release 8.34 (2010-04-01)
Updated setup change animation to keep the fixture from moving.
Took over of highlight drawing in the tree windows to avoid issues
with subtle difficult-to-see coloring under the Aero UI styles.
Changed the implementation of speed and feed editing to allow for
more optimized handling and added wait cursors for visual feedback.
Changes in release 8.33 (2010-03-30)
Independently computed bounding box for the setup/workpiece/fixture
for each workingstep. This fixed a bug where the workpiece was not
properly placed on the machine table.
Doubled speed of rotation in setup change animation
Changes in release 8.32 (2010-03-24)
The enable/disable state for workingsteps is now saved with the
file. The main workplan tab now grays out the workingstep name when
it is disabled, as was previously done in the tool tab.
Added "Export Shape" entry to the context menu on the part
properties pane.
Corrected crash when using File | Export | Workpiece on a default
workpiece that has no geometry.
Updated the part properties pane to allow editing of the workpiece
name by pressing the enter key.
Added "Remove Duplicates" to the menu on the Feed/Speed window.
Changes in release 8.31 (2010-03-18)
Added File | Import | Fixture Shape for Operation ...
The import shape for operation menu entries (as-is, to-be, delta,
fixture) now show the operation after import. Previously, the
display was going back to the first operation in the file.
Changes in release 8.30 (2010-03-11)
Corrected menu entry for Import Workingstep Paths.
Fixed bounding box computation in graphical display that was causing
nothing to be shown for files that contained only toolpaths without
any other geometry.
Changes in release 8.29 (2010-03-05)
Extended Feed/Speed editing pane to operate on Selectives.
Forced refresh in the machining time estimates popups after calling
the Optimize Feeds operation.
Lists of tools, features and tolerances in the model tab now include
items in selectives.
Lists of tools, features and tolerances in the model tab only
include those in the currently active executables.
Changes in release 8.28 (2010-03-03)
Added "Haas Mini Mill 3-axis" to the available machine tool models.
Changes in release 8.27 (2010-03-02)
Relaxed restriction on "Optimize feeds ..." so that it is available
on workplans, selectives, and workingsteps.
Fixed refresh issue after optimizing feeds.
Changes in release 8.26 (2010-02-22)
Restored display of workpiece color information.
Added "Optimize feeds ..." option to the workingstep context menu.
This adjusts the override curve on toolpaths to an improved feedrate
computed using constant chip calculations in the radial direction.
You can also specify a maximum feedrate that should not be exceeded.
Reorganized the various import operations on the workingstep context
menu into a new "Import" submenu. This includes "Import Workpieces
from STRL", "Import Workingstep from STRL", "Import Cross Section
Data", "Replace Workingstep Paths", and the "Replace Workingstep"
from MAX5 options.
Changes in release 8.25 (2010-02-16)
Internal changes to "Read Cross Section Data" handling.
Fixed handling of cross-section "name" parameter so that it stays in
sync with the rest of the values.
Added "Apply Setup Transforms" checkbox to the tool position window
to show coordinates with setup transformations or the raw values in
the toolpaths.
Changes in release 8.24 (2010-02-12)
Simplified Cross Section Parameter display and clarified the
parameter descriptions.
Changes in release 8.23 (2010-02-06)
Internal changes to "Read Cross Section Data" handling.
Changes in release 8.22 (2010-02-05)
Fixed issue with time and distance computation on workplans.
Added "Read Cross Section Data" option to context menu on the
workplans tab.
Changes in release 8.21 (2010-02-01)
Fixed slowness when checking/unchecking workingsteps. Also fixed a
problem when double-clicking on checkboxes (a .NET issue was causing
the checkbox to not reflect the actual checked state)
When the mouse is places over tools on the tools tab, a popup window
indicates the total machining time and distance for that tool.
Changes in release 8.20 (2010-01-29)
Using the checkboxes to choose elements of selectives now behaves
like radio buttons. Only one is checked at a time.
Adjusted the disabled color for grayed out list items in the tool
Changes in release 8.19 (2010-01-21)
When workingsteps are disabled on the workplan tab, they are now
displayed in a grayed out font on the tool tab.
Removed the version number from the install directory name so that
shortcuts pinned to the start menu or taskbar are not broken every
time an updated version is installed. Also removed version number
from the STEP-NC Machine start menu shortcut for the same reason.
Changes in release 8.18 (2010-01-15)
Enhanced processing of Selectives so that the following operations
that can apply to selective or workplan also work for selective
Insert Workingstep
Insert NC function
Insert Workplan
Move Executable
Plan Surface Probing
Changes in release 8.17 (2010-01-11)
Added an "Import Workingstep from STRL" entry to the pop up menu on
the workplans tab.
Changes in release 8.16 (2010-01-11)
internal release
Changes in release 8.15 (2009-12-15)
Copy STRL to Clipboard now works properly when selecting a
workingstep with no toolpaths.
Restore of position between files now works properly when the
project contains workingsteps without toolpaths.
Go To STRL text box in the toolbar is now active. Entering an STRL
in this text box will open it.
Added an "Insert Workingstep" entry to the edit menu on the
workplans tab.
Added an "Import Workpiece from STRL" entry to the pop up menu on
the workplans tab.
[Bug 503] Fixed ReadCatiaAptFile regression.
Changes in release 8.14 (2009-12-14)
internal release
Changes in release 8.13 (2009-12-10)
Added File | Copy STRL to Clipboard option to save the current tool
position on the clipboard as STRL text.
In the Motion | Adjust Mounting Position dialog, removed the maximum
and minimum limits on the position spinners because these were not
being initialized properly when rotational axes were involved.
Fixed missing tool display when following an STRL or switching
between designs using the Fwd/Back buttons.
Updated machine simulator to support tool changers. When the tool
is changed, the machine is moved to the changer location, switches
the tool, and returns to the workpiece. The tool changer location
is part of the machine definition. Similarly, the tool is withdrawn
from the workpiece before the setup change is animated.
Changes in release 8.10 (2009-12-04)
Initial support for tool change animation.
Changes in release 8.9 (2009-12-02)
Added initial support for STRL links within workplans. Workingsteps
that contain STRLs are now displayed as links. Using the "Follow
STRL Link" command on the popup menu will go to the STEP-NC file and
position given by the STRL. Manual editing of the STRL can also be
done using the Edit STRL option on the popup menu.
Changes in release 8.8 (2009-12-01)
Now saving and restoring the workplan location when using the
forward and back arrows to move between STEP-NC Files.
Changes in release 8.7 (2009-12-01)
internal release
Changes in release 8.6 (2009-11-23)
Added a navigation toolbar that allows moving back and forth between
multiple files open in memory.
Changes in release 8.5 (2009-11-16)
Corrected a graphics update issue when restoring a saved tool
Changes in release 8.4 (2009-11-16)
Added a Save as STRL option now saves and restores the toolpath
parameterized position properly. Previously, the parameter was
calculated for the entire workingstep rather than the toolpath.
Changes in release 8.3 (2009-11-11)
Added a Save as STRL option for saving the execution position as
part of the file.
When reading a file with an STRL, the explorer will now go to the
workingstep and tool position given by the STRL.
Object IDs are no longer shown with the Workingstep names in the
workplans tree.
Changes in release 8.2 (2009-11-11)
internal release
Changes in release 8.1 (2009-11-05)
Fixed issue in the new facetting where parts of faces with many
holes were missing.
Changes in release 8.0 (2009-11-02)
Complete redesign of the code which facets STEP surfaces for the 3D
display, which should result in better graphics and performance, as
well as watertight facetted geometry for use in simulation.
Changes in release 7.40 (2009-09-24)
Added "View | Workingstep Parameters" pane listing any higher level
process parameters given for each workingstep. Currently covers
tapping, multistep drilling, drilling, reaming, and boring as well
as bottom, side, and freeform milling operations.
Changes in release 7.39 (2009-09-21)
Added a "Replace Workingstep Paths" option to the pop-up menu on
workingsteps. This will replace the toolpaths on the workingstep
with ones from a workingstep with the same name in the specified
The position window now displays units for the axis position,
feedrate, and spindle values.
Changes in release 7.38 (2009-09-18)
The tooltip windows in the workplan tree with time estimates for
workplans and workingsteps are now updated when items are enabled
and disabled, or when feedrates are changed.
The main window now saves and restores the position of the split
between the tree window and the geometry window between runs. It
resets to the default split if the value gets unreasonable.
Tool identifiers and tool numbers are now displayed separately on
the tool tab. Both may be edited.
Corrected an infinite loop when selecting tools with a tolerance on
the tool tab.
Added methods to the DLL cursor class for setting tool override.
Changes in release 7.37 (2009-09-16)
Corrected handling of Selectives in the visualization code so that
toolpaths now display properly.
Corrected initialization bug that was sometime preventing datums and
tolerances from being displayed. Also changed face hilighting on
the Part Properties pane so that only datum faces are shown when a
datum is picked in the tree.
Improved handling of workpiece display when looking at the Features
tab. Now shows the to-be shape of the first associated workingstep.
Changes in release 7.36 (2009-09-15)
Added support for Selective program elements. Generates code for
the first enabled workingstep it happens to find.
Corrected an issue with APT CL read of arcs in millimeters that was
causing false errors.
Changes in release 7.35 (2009-09-14)
Setting the As-Is or To-Be shapes on a workingstep does not modify
the previous or next one if they already have shapes. Otherwise for
simplicity, setting the as-is will also set the previous to-be, and
setting the to-be will also set the following as-is shape.
Added "To Selective"/"To Workplan" conversion options to the pop up
menu on the machining program.
Changes in release 7.34 (2009-09-11)
Change in the handling of default units when creating tolerances.
Changes in release 7.33 (2009-09-11)
Code export now uses the digits of precision rather than a fixed
epsilon to detect and suppress repeated coordinates on Fanuc,
Siemens, Haas, Okuma, Heidenhain, and MDSI.
Fanuc and Haas output now explicitly declare units using G20/G21
Added support for Siemens G700/G710 unit declarations.
Changes in release 7.32 (2009-09-10)
Corrected issue with workplan setup placement that was resulting in
an error message "Could not find workpiece for setup"
Improved tool axis interpolation in the graphics display animation
to use Z axis as axis of rotation where possible when and we have a
180 degree rotation of the tool axis.
Changes in release 7.31 (2009-09-09)
Corrected problem saving workingstep names containg quotes. Double
quote appearing in XML attributes were not properly escaped, causing
problems when read back in.
Corrected gcode output of arc moves when a setup transformation is
present. In all output styles, transformations were not applied
properly to the Z axis of trimmed circles, and when outputting MDSI
style lathe code they were being applied when they should not have
been to the tool axis direction.
Extended Siemens output for G2/G3 to emit A3/B3/C3 axis directions
to specify the plane of the circle when not in the XY plane.
Changes in release 7.30 (2009-09-08)
Transparency is now handled correctly when a workpiece is shared as
the as-is and to-be shape of two different workingsteps.
Corrected an error in the display of as-is/to-be shapes that could
mistakenly hide a workpiece to when switching between steps if it is
the as-is of one workingstep and the to-be in another.
Extended DLL api with four new functions to the Cursor so that you
can change the feed of every toolpath in a workingstep that uses the
same technology and/or every toolpath in a project. Same for speed.
Changes in release 7.29 (2009-09-04)
Improved the display of datums when multiple workpiece models are
present. Datums are now shown on any as-is or to-be workpiece as
well as on the Part Properties, and the show/hide checkboxes match
the datums on the workpieces being shown.
The enable/disable workingstep checkboxes on the "Workplans" tab are
now initialized properly when reading a new file or inserting NC
functions or other elements into the workplan.
Enhanced workpiece import to more accurately determine a unit
(English or Metric) for the imported part.
Changes in release 7.28 (2009-09-03)
The graphics display now animates the tool movement when switching
between workingsteps, including setup changes.
Fixed the "Setup | Workpiece Properties" command under to work with
MasterCAM block data.
Changes in release 7.27 (2009-09-02)
In the code generation, transformations were applied in the wrong
order when a setup placement on a workplan and a toolpath placement
on a workingstep were both present in the data. The code was
applying the toolpath transform to the setup one, rather than the
other way around. This affected the Boxy data and should now be
Fixed case where we were not transforming the toolaxis when the
toolpath did not provide an axis curve, was just passing through the
default 0,0,1 axis untransformed.
Added "Program Comments" box to the CNC export dialog giving the
ability to control the level of commenting in the output, with
options for workingsteps, toolpaths, even points.
Make Datum now clears the selection when the dialog is first brought
up to avoid adding unintended faces to the datum, and also clears it
after creating the datum so that the face color can be seen. Made
similar changes to Make Surface Tolerance.
Changes in release 7.26 (2009-08-26)
Added a new line on the tool tab to display the workpiece shape
associated with each tool.
Added ability to import and export tool shapes from the pop-up menu
on the tool tab. Now shows an overwrite confirmation when importing
on top of an existing tool shape. Also checked for exporting a tool
shape when one does not exist.
Changed the handling of setups to use the setup origin rather than a
workpiece placement to specify the global machine transform.
First attempts at applying setup transform during CNC code export.
Changes in release 7.25 (2009-08-26)
Internal development checkpoint
Changes in release 7.24 (2009-08-21)
The Feed/Speed window now shows feed per tooth when displaying all
of the feeds for a workingstep or individual tool.
Dialog prompting whether to save your changes now gives the option
to cancel whatever action prompted the dialog (application close,
open a new file, etc)
Changes in release 7.23 (2009-08-20)
Toolbar on the workplans tab controls editing operations. A lock
unlock button enables or disables editing. A second button turns
the checkboxes on or off for selecting workingsteps.
The Edit menu on the toolbar allows new worplans or NC functions to
be added to the program and provides another way to edit the setup
Program can be reordered by dragging and dropping workingsteps into
their new location. Items can be moved up or down or deleted using
buttons on the toolbar. See the docs for a full description at:
Improved behavior of "Import | Tool Shape" so that the tool to
import the shape for is found by looking at the currently selected
workingstep, or the tool selected on the tool properties page.
Fixed problem where tools were not displaying after CL import. Also
corrected geometry refresh problem after workpieces import.
Improvements to numerous icons throughout the application.
Changes in release 7.22 (2009-08-19)
Internal development checkpoint
Changes in release 7.21 (2009-08-18)
Internal development checkpoint
Changes in release 7.20 (2009-08-17)
Internal development checkpoint
Changes in release 7.19 (2009-08-12)
Fixed another problem with the AnegC tool kinematics.
Changes in release 7.18 (2009-08-11)
Fixed problem with the A-C tool kinematics that shows up when
simulating the Boxy part.
Changes in release 7.17 (2009-08-11)
Corrected crash at startup when restoring the Feed/Speed pane.
Added an "Edit Setup Placement" option to the right-click context
menu for workplans. This will add, remove, or modify the setup
placement on any workplan.
Changes in release 7.16 (2009-08-10)
Added different icon in the machine program tab to indicate
workplans that have a setup associated with them.
Corrected problem editing the project name on the program tab.
Changes in release 7.15 (2009-07-31)
Corrected a crash when displaying feeds and speeds for nested
workplans and some initialization problems could cause the Feed
window to come up blank.
Changes in release 7.14 (2009-07-31)
Corrected some problems that occurred up when the Feed window was
toggled between shown and hidden. The feed window is now restored
to the last known shown/hidden state on startup.
Changes in release 7.13 (2009-07-30)
Feeds and Speeds can now be viewed and edited. Click on the "Feeds"
toolbar button or select "View | Feeds and Speeds" to bring up the
feed window. Using a dropdown menu at the top of the pane, you can
see the feeds/speeds used by a particular tool, workingstep, or
workplan. Values can be edited for the entire program or changes
can be scoped to a particular tool or workingstep. We have also
added a how-to article explaining feed speed editing at:
Changed the comments at program start for all known styles that
support comments so that they include the STEP-NC source filename
before the timestamp.
Errors when saving, such as a write protected file, are now being
properly reported to the user.
The size of tool windows is restored between sessions when they are
made smaller than original size. Previously, size was only restored
when they were larger. Default sizes are still restored if the
window is shrunk below 25% of the preferred size.
Changes in release 7.12 (2009-07-29)
Internal development checkpoint
Changes in release 7.11 (2009-07-27)
Internal development checkpoint
Changes in release 7.10 (2009-07-16)
Added Speed and Feed overview window to examine all speeds and feeds
used by a program, highlight workingsteps that use them, and display
toolpaths which use them.
Added alternative Trunnion AC machine model that prefers to tilt the
table in the negative A direction rather than the positive A.
Added limited support for workplan setups.
Corrected name editing in the workingstep tree so that it no longer
includes the object ID in the initial text.
Changes in release 7.9 (2009-07-15)
Internal development checkpoint
Changes in release 7.8 (2009-07-15)
Internal development checkpoint
Changes in release 7.7 (2009-07-13)
Fixed issue where the nudge increment for Adjust Mounting Location
would end up as zero. The Trunion AC table is in meters, so nudges
were a fraction of a meter and we were rounding to integer values.
Changes in release 7.6 (2009-07-10)
Added ability to change the location of the workpiece on a machine
tool model during simulation. The Adjust Mounting Location dialog
on the Motion toolbar menu provides X, Y, and Z controls to shift
the part from the center table default location. Values are in the
units of the machine tool model.
Changes in release 7.5 (2009-07-02)
Added Setup | Custom Tool Settings dialog so that users can specify
flute counts or machine maximums that differ from the nominal values
in the STEP-NC data. This information is only kept for the session
and will be used to adjust feeds for different machine or tools.
Added "Adjust feed based on actual tools" option to the CNC export
dialog. This scales the feed to maintain constant chip load if the
actual tool flute count difers from the planned one. The ".cnclog"
file notes where and why each individual feed has been scaled.
Changes in release 7.4 (2009-06-29)
Corrected user interface bug with Machine Parameters that was
swapping the spindle feed and spindle power values.
Changes in release 7.3 (2009-06-29)
Changed the handling of facetting and rendering of tools and
workpieces to avoid partial draws during machining animation
playback while still remaining responsive to user input.
Added an advisory message when changing the default unit.
Updated Setup | Machine Parameter so that the expected units are
displayed even if no values were previously set.
Changes in release 7.2 (2009-06-27)
Added flute count to the parameters on the tool pane. Nominal
values can now be edited via a right click popup for flute count,
diameter, length and radius.
Added Setup | Machine Parameter to set the expected machine
capabilities for the program (Max fees, spindle, power, etc)
Changes in release 7.1 (2009-06-15)
Modified the handling of datum colors so they do not conflict with
the selected face color.
The annotations on/off checkbox now controls tool annotations as
well, simplified handling internally so that it is controlled by a
separate scenegraph attribute.
Changes in release 7.0 (2009-06-12)
Reworked license key handling so that machining partners can use a
read-only free download version of the application to view STEP-NC
data sets, simulate, and do basic CNC export. New data sets can be
created in memory, but only development partners with an STEP-NC
Machine license key can save them, use custom CNC interfaces, or
other advanced operations.
Changed main form initialization so that palettes are no longer
restored before the main window is up. Previously they would appear
while the splash screen was still present.
Added Help | Latest News and Updates to link back to the website.
Swapped the order of the origin and target parameters when calling
the Align Workpieces by Datum or Face operations.
Tools are now shown using the color information provided by the STEP
file, rather than overriding it with the default gold.
Fixed the "center on tool" operation so that it now works in all
motion modes rather than just the virutal gantry.
Added support for assembly data where the shape_rep_relation does not
directly reference the two shape_reps of the NAUOs product definition.
Instead there is another shape_rep_relationship between the two. This
occurred in Alibre/Airbus data.
Added initial simulator support to allow the workpiece to be moved
around the table.
Revised the placement dialog so that it is now resizable, which
should make things clearer when dealing with long numbers. Also
made the logic robust if called for a nonexistant workpiece,
rawpiece, or fixture.
Changes in release 6.25 (2009-06-01)
Fixed problem where general points were turning to the default color.
Updated drawing of machine simulator to insure the WP is drawn first,
then the tool, then the machine.
Corrected problem with buffer switching where the clip region was getting
retained when it should not have been.
Fixed bounding boxes initialization/validation bug that was preventing
AP238 models w/o workpieces from displaying.
Graphics display now stays responsive during faceting operations.
In this mode, an hourglass cursor is displayed, double buffering is
disabled, the Windows message queue is periodically processed.
Changes in release 6.24 (2009-05-15)
Extra display points (geometric sets) are now turned on or off with
the rest of the annotation display.
Improved preservation of view state when flipping between simulation
models and the product panes.
Fixed reload issues that was causing a crash when a workpiece was
Made the toolpath color assignment deterministic. Also, eliminated
grey as a choice for toolpaths.
Changes in release 6.23 (2009-05-12)
Fixed regression in graphics panning behavior.
Changes in release 6.22 (2009-05-11)
Added toolpath picking notification.
Changes in release 6.21 (2009-05-08)
Added block number upper limit capability to wrap sequence numbers
that exceed an upper value, such as N99999 for Okuma.
Added support for Okuma output using O238 and OTCG macros for the
program start and cleanup as well as tool changes.
Internal improvements to facetting.
Changes in release 6.20 (2009-05-05)
Added override to turn annotation display on and off.
Internal improvements to facetting and interference checking.
Changes in release 6.19 (2009-05-01)
Annotations are now displayed with presentation colors if given.
When replacing a workpiece, any transform applied to the old one is
added to the new one.
Added option on the popup menu for workplans to go through all
workingsteps and associate with the closest faces. The feature tab
is also now refreshed properly after adding faces to a workingstep.
Changes in release 6.18 (2009-04-28)
Initial implementation of interference checking for the machine
simulator. Enable and disable using the "Collision" toolbar button.
A machine tool model must be in use or else it is ignored.
Improved shell integration so that double clicking on a stepnc file
will now launch STEP-NC Machine.
Added a "Browse Simple" option to the p28view utility that disables
usedin information, popup display of attributes, highlighting of the
current object, and other Javascript features for better browser
performance on large files.
Changed p28view so it no longer self-registers its file type in
HKEY_CURRENT_USER every run because this causes problems with
outdated paths shadowing the proper paths in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
Updated the installer to clear those old paths, so things should
work better for anyone who was experiencing that problem.
Fixed graphics regression where tool movement was out of sync with
the machine simulation.
Changes in release 6.17 (2009-04-21)
Extended geometry display of workpieces and machine tool models to
show the presentation information found in the underlying STEP data.
Changes in release 6.16 (2009-04-14)
Added G90 and clear work offset to Okuma startup. Added G56 tool
offset in Z to Okuma tool changes.
Changes in release 6.15 (2009-04-10)
General Point Sets are now displayed on their associated product
geometry. Datum targets are also now displayed with both Workplan
and Part Property tabs.
Extended Okuma CNC output to use G15 to specify work offset and
G20/G21 to describe whether inch/mm units are used.
Extended CNC output for all machines with a descriptive comment
before each tool change listing the tool parameters in the STEP-NC
data (length, diameter, etc).
Added Setup | Placement | Align by faces option to move workpieces
around by selecting two sets of three faces to align.
Added Setup | Placement | Align by datums option to move workpieces
around by selecting two sets of three datums to align.
Added Drag And Drop reordering to the face selection lists.
Updated toolbars and the main window menu strip to support "click
through" when the window does not have focus. Previously, a toolbar
button or menu needed two clicks, once to give focus to the owning
window and a second time to activate the button/menu.
Changes in release 6.14 (2009-04-07)
The add/remove face and datum creation dialogs no longer lose focus
when selecting geometry in the view window. Added a toolbar to both
dialogs to simplify moving between pick and rotate/pan modes.
Updated the Define Surface Texture and Define Tolerance Dialogs with
the improved interface for selecting faces, and reworked to create
with multiple faces rather than having to add faces afterwards.
Added a toolbar to simplify moving between pick and rotate/pan.
Set target cpu type of the .NET assembly to be x86 to force the COM
components to be run on WOW64 on XP 64. Otherwise, COM can not find
the registration for the factory and throws error 80040154. Likely
also the case for Vista 64.
Changes in release 6.13 (2009-04-03)
Improved the add/remove face user interface so that deletion is
clearer and selecting faces in the geometry viewer is reflected in
the list. Also reorganized the code so this interface can be used
elsewhere, such as in tolerance/datum creation.
Reworked Add Datum interface to allow datums with multiple faces to
be created rather than having to add faces afterwards. Now supports
datums with labels other than ABC.
The workpiece properties dialog now displays and sets material for
both the workpiece and rawpiece.
Changes in release 6.12 (2009-03-25)
Improvements to handling datums. Datum deletion now works properly.
When creating datums, least material condition is now supported. On
the part property pane, selecting a datum or datum target will now
switch the geometry display to the relevant part.
Corrects geometry refresh issue.
Changes in release 6.11 (2009-03-20)
Fixed inadvertant removal of AP203e2 dimension and presentation
information when importing workpieces.
Changes in release 6.10 (2009-03-20)
Datums and datum targets are now displayed on the Part Properties
tab along with the tolerances for each workpiece. Faces can be
added or removed using the context menu. Deleting datums using the
context menu is enabled but does not work correctly at the moment
Presentation and drafting annotations are now properly categorized
into application objects and saved in the STEP-NC file.
Toolpath rendering is now deferred until first access which will
improve load speed.
Bounding boxes now reset when switching between machine models.
Corrected issues with tools disappearing when switching back and
forth between the parts property tab.
The facetting tolerances are now adjusted for better quality on
small parts without slowing larger parts.
Changes in release 6.9 (2009-03-12)
Faceting of STEP models is now done the first time they are drawn
rather than at load time. This should result in faster load times
in files with many different models, but occasional pauses when
showing new models.
Fixed issue where tool was sometimes rendered far too high a
resolution resulting in slow behavior.
Fixed issue where moving parts of machine tool models were unpickable.
Fixed crash when processing (illegal) toolpath curves consisting of
a single point.
Changes in release 6.8 (2009-03-10)
Various internal changes stemming from a scene graph reorganization
and changes in the color/transparency state handling.
Corrected odd message overflow in the status line when canceling the
face/edge/part selection.
Changes in release 6.7 (2009-03-09)
Added support for tool reference direction added by the AP238
technical corrigendum. The geometric display will orient the tool
properly. The GoToXYZ_IJK_REF_ABC() function has been added to the
DLL API to create this type of data.
Inproved geometry display of trimmed b-spline curves and made the
ellipse processing more tolerant of marginal data.
Corrected exception at startup time if the machine model directory
was not present.
Many context and other data creation fixes prompted by external
testing as well as internal testing with ap238check. Updated the
cross section area parameters use a 7D geometric representation
context instead of a generic one. Changed the CUTTER CONTACT and
CUTTER LOCATION TRAJECTORY surface_normal to use unitless 3D context
like the tool axis instead of units.
Changed the following properties to use a geometric unit context:
Changed the following symbolic properties so the descriptive rep
items are now treated as constants and reused:
Changes in release 6.6 (2009-03-02)
Fixes the units issue for workingstep planes, and setup origins.
Makes sure a default toolpath feature is defined for workingsteps
finished by a change in spindle speed.
Changes in release 6.5 (2009-02-26)
Fixed crash when writing entity instances with no attributes, such
as the empty COLOUR() entities used in some presentation info.
Corrected unexpected exit when trying to read a completely empty
(zero byte) file.
Changes in release 6.4 (2009-02-19)
Performance improvements when saving large files.
Changes in release 6.3 (2009-02-16)
The Hide Selected and Transparent Selected options can now be used
to control parts of the machine tool models.
Machining times in the tooltip popups are now reported in the most
appropriate unit based on their size (days, hours, minutes, or secs)
rather than always in seconds.
Renamed machine-model.xml to trunnion.xml
Status messages from the geometry control are now displayed.
Changes in release 6.2 (2009-02-13)
Added movie capture. Use the movie menu in the lower corner of the
main window to capture either live movies or tool motion animations.
Tool motion animation capture a frame after each move in workingstep
playback, while live mode captures multiple frames per second.
The executable now accepts a filename on the command line.
Now includes machine model for Northwood BC Gantry Router, as well
as DMU nutating BC machine, and a trunnion AC table machine.
The overall tool length for tools may now be changed on the tools
tab by right-clicking on the length and selecting "Edit Overall Tool
Length" from the pop-up menu.
Now building executable with /NXCOMPAT:NO to avoid issues running
ActiveX controls on Vista. This will prevent an error of the form
"Windowless ActiveX controls are not supported" during startup on
Vista machines as well as XP machines with DEP enabled.
Changes in release 6.1 (2009-02-05)
Changed helix output for siemens controls so that the center
coordinates are tagged as absolute values.
Changes in release 6.0 (2009-02-03)
Implemented nutating BC machine support, multiple machine
simulations, and the ability to switch between them.
Added initial support for AP203e2 drawing annotations.
Improved facetting of geometry.
Changed handling of show/hide and transparent options on pop-up menu
to support geometry from different files (for machine models).
Now requires an STEP-NC Machine v6 license key.
Changes in release 5.56 (2009-01-02)
Corrects problem switching to the machine model. Candidate for
STEP-NC Machine 6.0 release
Changes in release 5.55 (2008-12-31)
Interim release for debugging machine mode. Exits in the DLL when
switching to the machine model.
Updates to include machine tool model and simulation. Only one
model is currently used, located in the install directory under the
"machines" subdirectory.
Changes in release 5.54 (2008-12-22)
Updated DLL to improve experimental depth estimation function.
Changes in release 5.53 (2008-12-19)
Added experimental depth estimation function to the popup menu on
workplans in the part properties tab.
Changes in release 5.52 (2008-12-12)
Fixed divide by zero in time calculations for empty workplan.
Refresh geometry view window when deleting a workplan and reworked
other refresh events.
Other geometry fixes.
Changes in release 5.51 (2008-12-04)
All workpieces should now be viewable on the part properties tab,
and the workpiece and toolpath display should switch properly when
moving between tabs.
Reworked internal change notification so that value changes should
be more quickly and consistently reflected between the tab panes.
Corrected numerous cases where changes would not propogate, such as
the changed name of a workingstep not showing up on the tools tab.
Changes in release 5.50 (2008-11-26)
Extended popup menu on the part properties pane to delete workpieces
and tolerances.
The root element of the workplans pane is now the Project rather
than the main workplan. Also changed the icon used for the project.
Removed the "Workplan Toolpaths" entry from the View menu because it
was no longer being used.
Changes in release 5.49 (2008-11-24)
Added Motion toolbar menu to control the tool and part motion during
toolpath playback.
NC Function display state now saved properly between runs.
Changed AS-IS and TO-BE checkboxes to "Raw" and Finished"
Changes in release 5.48 (2008-11-21)
Replaced use of GetAllFaces with GetStatusFaces
Internal geometry fixes.
Changes in release 5.47 (2008-11-17)
Added Tool Contact pane which examines the simulation data and flags
when the tool comes in contact with the part.
Changes in release 5.46 (2008-11-10)
DLL update to correct assembly placement problems.
Changes in release 5.45 (2008-11-07)
Changed default unit code to make sure that it saves the current
state in the registry.
Added export as CC1 menu option.
Part Properties pane now displays the workpieces in the file by
themselves. The tool workpieces do not turn on at the moment but
all others show fine.
Changes in release 5.44 (2008-11-03)
Merged the AS-IS/Stock and TO-BE/Part checkboxes and updated the
logic to better handle the changing parts.
Part Properties tab now includes all workpieces in the tab. The
main workpiece and rawpiece are shown first, then all other pieces,
fixtures and tools are shown in subcategories.
Changes in release 5.43 (2008-10-21)
Many graphics improvements (bounding box for trimmed ellipses,
support for poly_loop trim curves, non advanced_face faces, trimmed
NURBS as trim curves, quasi_uniform_surface NURBS surfaces,
surface_curve, shapes w/o associated product_definitions)
Changes in release 5.42 (2008-09-29)
Tolerance values now displayed with units and more managable
precision. Now updated when current values are changed on the
probing pane.
Corrected popup display of optimized times in the workplan window.
Improved performance on display of probing (and other) workingsteps
by deferring update of non-visible feature, tolerance, tool, and
probing tabs.
Changes in release 5.41 (2008-09-26)
Changed import/export filename conventions for the probing results.
The toolpath display for workplans now includes all nested
workingsteps and shows/hides enabled or disabled workingsteps.
Changes in release 5.40 (2008-09-26)
Reworked probing menu with options to export initial data and then
import and export result data. Another option controls the units
assumed for the data.
Added ability to replace a workingstep using MAX5 APT data. Use the
popup menu on the executable tree.
Changes in release 5.39 (2008-09-25)
Added ability to enable/disable workingsteps for export. Use the
popup menu on the executable tree to turn on the checkboxes and then
select or unselect as needed.
Added ability to force the use of base feeds (instead of optimized
speed curves) by workingsteps during export. Use the popup menu on
the executable tree to select or unselect as needed.
Changes to boeing-fanuc style to force IJK components.
Added a siemens-traori style to handle Siemens TCP control by
calling TRAORI(1) directly without any of the WSMODEON/OFF macros.
Changes in release 5.38 (2008-09-23)
Added support for Custom code export styles in the export dialog.
Changes in release 5.37 (2008-09-22)
Datum targets are now refreshed correctly when updating geometry.
Small improvement to tool pane reload times.
Corrected issue with highlit text for probe results. Also updated
the probing pane with an "Evaluate" button that computes the state
of any associated tolerances.
Turning parts on and off now toggles the entire product, which means
that setup placements are handled better.
Changes in release 5.36 (2008-09-12)
Added toolbar buttons to display the standard views for top/bottom,
right/left, front/back, and isometric. The display can also switch
between Othographic and Perspective display.
Changed handling of C axis on Heiedenhain to eliminate sudden
wraparound. The axis is no longer limited to -180 to +180, but
moves the shortest distance, possibly winding up to multiple full
Changes in release 5.35 (2008-09-10)
Added visualization for setups.
Changes in release 5.34 (2008-09-08)
Tool direction vectors are now properly transformed by the
destination transform. Previously, only the tool location was being
Configuration files extended for setups.
Changes in release 5.33 (2008-09-03)
Added ability to make selected items in the graphics display
transparent using the right-click popup menu.
Corrected the handling of workingsteps with toolpath placements in
the tool position window.
Changes in release 5.32 (2008-09-02)
Added ability to hide selected items in the graphics display using
the right-click popup menu on the graphics window. There is also a
show all menu option that restores the hidden items.
Added ability to temporarily color selected items in the graphics
display using the right-click popup menu on the graphics window.
Stock, as-is, to-be, and delta shapes are now displayed in
transparency when shown together with the workpiece.
Updates to CNC interface to handle workingsteps with placements to
give a new origin for their toolpaths.
Changes in release 5.31 (2008-08-29)
Corrected handling of datum on/off for datum targets
Stock now displayed in transparency when shown together with the
Changes in release 5.30 (2008-08-29)
Intermediate checkpoint.
Changes in release 5.29 (2008-08-28)
Improvements to the graphics engine for better visualization.
Initial visualization support for datum targets.
Changes in release 5.28 (2008-08-26)
Corrections to AS-IS, TO-BE, and Delta in-process geometry.
Changes in release 5.27 (2008-08-22)
Added capability to import and display AS-IS, TO-BE, and Delta
in-process geometry for workingsteps.
Initial support for datums defined by targets.
Many improvements to the graphics engine for better visualization.
Changes in release 5.26 (2008-07-29)
DLL API changes and fixes.
Changes in release 5.25 (2008-07-22)
Changed feature properties to use tolerance version of GetFeatureAll
DLL API changes and fixes.
Changes in release 5.24 (2008-07-21)
DLL API changes and fixes. Export workpiece updated to include a
wp_id. ExportRawpiece and ExportFixture deleted. Tolerance
algorithm for finding features updated to ignore toolpath features
with no faces. Define datum function updated to fix bug.
Changes in release 5.23 (2008-07-18)
Corrected some issues with import of APT 5-axis arcs.
Updated import menu to make it clearer that the Catia, Pro/E and UG
entries import APT from those systems.
Changes in release 5.22 (2008-07-17)
DLL API changes to support as-is and to-be workpieces.
Changes in release 5.21 (2008-07-14)
Improved face hilighting when selecting items on on the new feature
tree tab.
Corrected display of workingstep names after editing them on the
workplan tree tab.
Changes in release 5.20 (2008-07-03)
Added feature tree tab to the main window.
Graphics improvements.
Changes in release 5.19 (2008-07-02)
Added work offset support for the Fanuc and Haas outputs.
Disabled the More/Less option on the G-code export dialog.
Changes in release 5.18 (2008-06-30)
Refinements to Haas import and export.
Graphics improvements.
Changes in release 5.17 (2008-06-27)
Eliminated the configuration file.
Changes in release 5.16 (2008-06-25)
On the "workplans" tab, the names of workingsteps, workplans, and
the workpiece can now be changed using the right-click menu.
Rendering improvements.
Changes in release 5.15 (2008-06-24)
Corrected issues with deleting workplans.
Internal DLL simplification.
Changes in release 5.14 (2008-06-24)
Internal debugging release.
Changes in release 5.13 (2008-06-18)
Internal graphics updates.
Changes in release 5.12 (2008-06-17)
Extended the cross section parameters pane to show values calculated
directly from the simulation data. The cross section pane now shows
stored parameters, calculated original parameters, and calculated
proposed TC parameters.
Corrected issue when saving STEP-NC data as Part21 rather than XML.
Changes in release 5.11 (2008-06-13)
Rendering improvements to reduce the gaps between facets, improve
speed, and calculate the senses of patches correctly.
Changes in release 5.10 (2008-06-03)
Internal graphics updates.
Changes in release 5.9 (2008-05-22)
Changed tooltip display for operation time and distance so that it
is initialized once rather than for every mouse event.
Internal graphics updates.
Changes in release 5.8 (2008-05-15)
Added total operation time and distance for operations and workplans
to the setup sheet display as well as to pop-up tool tips on the
exec list.
Changes in release 5.7 (2008-05-12)
Added new export style for APT text output.
Added new option to probing plan creation to control the use of the
clearance plane between probing operations.
Visualization improvements.
Changes in release 5.6 (2008-05-05)
Internal API updates.
Changes in release 5.5 (2008-04-17)
Internal API updates.
Changes in release 5.4 (2008-04-10)
Internal API updates.
Changes in release 5.3 (2008-04-07)
Internal API updates.
Changes in release 5.2 (2008-03-28)
When creating tolerances, datums can now be given as a string rather
than by using checkboxes.
Added radial, height, width, length, thickness, angle, and curved
size dimensions and also curved location dimensions to the list of
creatable GD&T items.
Changes in release 5.1 (2008-03-24)
Extended the Create Tolerance dialog to also handle concentricity,
cylindricity, line profile, parallelism, roundness, straightness,
and symmetry.
Changes in release 5.0 (2008-03-20)
Internal tolerance improvements.
Now requires an STEP-NC Machine v5 license key.
Changes in release 4.38 (2008-03-07)
The Cross Section parameters pane now shows a bitmap image of the
tool cross section contact area. This is only shown if simulation
data is present.
Changes in release 4.37 (2008-03-06)
Tool advice no longer a delta, now recommended final value.
Corrected issue with lower limits when creating linear distance
and diameter size tolerances
Changes in release 4.36 (2008-03-06)
Tool advice delta is now applied to current value if present, or the
nominal value if not.
Changes in release 4.35 (2008-03-06)
Tool advice is now displayed as a delta value and advice is given
after tolerances are entered, but not before.
Now queueing G40 for issue with the next move.
Restructured surface normal analysis and G41/42 output for cutter
contact toolpaths to be more robust in the face of corners and other
cases where the normal changes between paths.
Changes in release 4.34 (2008-03-05)
Internal DLL fixes.
Changes in release 4.33 (2008-03-03)
First workingstep was still displayed twice during automated
playback when starting simulation from a workplan. Previously
corrected the same problem when manually clicking Next to move
through the workplan.
The value of the simulation speed slider is now preserved between
application runs.
Changes in release 4.32 (2008-03-03)
Updated simulation speed so that full speed is now much quicker.
Now refreshing the workplan, part and tool property panes on
save to resynchronize with changed ids.
Added Export | Tool Status XML menu entry.
Fixed problem in "Edit Faces" and other face-oriented dialogs (make
tolerance, make datum) where picking a face would not be recognized
if the Position window had never been displayed during the app run.
Changes in release 4.31 (2008-02-29)
Added Simulate toolbar and View menu entries to show/hide the
display of in-process material removal. Currently requires a
pre-computed <filename>.sim file in the same directory as the
STEP-NC data file.
Added a Tool checkbox to the Part, Stock, and Fixture boxes on the
model window. When checked, tool geometry is shown. When cleared,
only a tool axis arrow is shown.
Changes in release 4.30 (2008-02-28)
Reset tolerances now resets the current values for surface textures
as well.
Added CNC export support for variable feed within a toolpath
controlled by a speedprofile curve.
Changes in release 4.29 (2008-02-25)
Allow setting current value of surface textures on the Tool
Properties pane.
Refresh the tool and tolerance properties panes when adding or
removing faces from a workingstep.
Changes in release 4.28 (2008-02-25)
Extended the Edit Faces dialog with Add Nearby and Remove All
Updated Tool and Part Property panes to handle current values for
surface textures.
Changes in release 4.27 (2008-02-22)
Eliminated double display of first workingstep when starting
simulation from a workplan.
Now installing cutting_tool_schema_arm compiled schema file so that
ISO 13399 files can be read.
Added dialog to display the parameters associated with a feature.
Simply double click on a feature in the feature tab or right click
on a workingstep and select Feature Properties.
The tool list now shows the name of the tool geometry if present
Surface texture now shows associated tools on the Part Properties
Changes in release 4.26 (2008-02-21)
The faces associated with a workingstep feature or a tolerance can
be changed by right clicking on a workingstep or tolerance and then
selecting Edit Faces. Click on new faces to add, select a face in
the list and press Delete to remove.
Added Tolerance | Apply All Tool Advice menu entry.
Geometry visualization improvements.
Changes in release 4.25 (2008-02-20)
Internal fixes to the DLL.
Changes in release 4.24 (2008-02-19)
Advised values for tool diameter/length/corner radius now refresh
whenever a the measured value for a tolerance is changed. The reset
tolerance and tool menu commands also refresh the geometry colors.
The tool properties are now shown on the top level, and the status
of recommended and current values are shown with icons.
Corrected issue with popup context menu on Tool property pane.
The initial zoom when opening a file containing only toolpaths is
now set to show the global bounding box. The geometric rendering is
also more stable, several memory issues have been corrected.
Save file no longer reloads all of the geometry afterwards.
Improvements to the traceabilty output and updated Siemens 810
output to adjust the $TC_DP compensation parameters for corner
radius when the STEP-NC file contains a current value for it.
Changes in release 4.23 (2008-02-18)
Corrected doubled spindle commands when the operation has a
different technology from the first toolpath in the operation
Added output option for traceabilty timing. Only available with
Siemens output. Check the "Use Traceability Extensions" box on the
export options dialog.
The tool properties for diameter/length/corner radius now show the
current and advised values, with more detail in a pop-up tool tip.
If a tolerance appears in multiple places on the Tool Properties
pane, all occurrences will be refreshed when the current value is
Added Reset Tolerance and Reset Tool Properties operations to the
Tolerances menu.
Changes in release 4.22 (2008-02-15)
When setting current tool parameters, if a suggested length,
diameter, or corner radius can be computed from the current
tolerance values it will be presented in the edit box.
When specifying a current value for a tolerance or tool property,
numbers can now be specified in US-style input (C Locale) as well
as the local formats.
The tolerance or tool property values is now restored properly when
canceling an edit on the tool properties pane.
Changes in release 4.21 (2008-02-14)
You can now enter current values for tolerances or certain tool
parameters by selecting the tolerance or tool parameter in the tree
list and then either right-click and select the"Edit Current Value"
popup menu, or just press the enter key.
Updated Siemens 810 output to adjust the $TC_DP compensation
parameters for length and diameter upon tool changes when the
STEP-NC file contains current values for these.
File | Export | Create Script now remembers the previously used
export directory.
Changes in release 4.20 (2008-02-12)
The Workplan/Part/Tool panes now highlight faces based on the pane
selected and the item within that page. The tool pane now shows the
workingsteps of each tool.
Added File menu entries to Import/Export both ISO 13399 tool data
and creation scripts for assembling STEP-NC files.
Changes in release 4.19 (2008-02-07)
Updates to cutter contact code generation for transitions from
cutter location to cutter contact paths. Also more robust when
given unrealistic numeric values.
Changes in release 4.18 (2008-02-05)
Extending tool and part properties pane to show relationship between
tolerances and the tools used to achieve them.
Changes in release 4.17 (2008-02-04)
Adding tool properties pane.
Changes in release 4.16 (2008-02-01)
Now exports CNC code for helixes on all controls, Siemens and
Heidenhain use distinct notations, while Fanuc, Okuma, and Haas
appear to share the same notation.
Changes in release 4.15 (2008-01-29)
Update to address visualization and CNC code export for arcs
and helixes described by via point.
Changes in release 4.14 (2008-01-22)
Update the CNC export so that tool change now clears the position
and issues a move to the complete XYZ start point of the next
toolpath. Previously the codes expected that after the toolchange
the tool was located at the endpoint of the previous workingstep and
only issued moves for axes that changed in the first point of the
next workingstep.
Changes in release 4.13 (2008-01-21)
DLL update to address null tool string issue.
Changes in release 4.12 (2008-01-18)
Added some diagnostic code to the workingstep and tolerance trees
Moved the Define Datums and Tolerance operations to a new top level
Tolerances menu and added a mew Define Surface Texture operation.
Changes in release 4.11 (2008-01-17)
The tool pane has been restored and you can now import and export
tools. If a workplan is highlit, then the tool pane can be used to
select the tool to import/export, otherwise import/export the tool
for the current workingstep.
If you select a face while not running a simulation, the position
and type of the face are shown in the position window. The actual
position of the click on the face is shown in the status bar.
Improved bounding box computation and corrected display issue with
cutter contact toolpaths and tolerance caching issues that caused
read problems with some files.
Changes in release 4.10 (2008-01-14)
The Part Properties pane now displays tolerances and surface finish
descriptions for Rawpiece, Fixture, and tools as well. Just select
faces from any displayed shape when creating tolerances and they
will be properly associated.
Icons for the various feature types are now correctly displayed on
the feature tab.
Now recognizes micrometer and other surface texture units.
Handles +/- values so that the minus values are actually negative.
Changes in release 4.9 (2008-01-14)
The File | Export functions now export AP203e2 with tolerances for
Workpiece, Rawpiece, and Fixture.
Changes in release 4.8 (2008-01-10)
Added the Probing | Define Datum and Probing | Define Tolerance menu
entries to pick faces on the part and create datums or tolerances
from them.
Base feed rate is now shown separately on the position pane.
Now creates a new project at application start.
When creating a new project any prior geometry is now reset.
When reading in workpiece geometry to an otherwise empty file, the
Part Properties page will be shown.
Changes in release 4.7 (2008-01-07)
DLL improvements to handle plus/minus tolerances encoded using both
qualified_representation_item and Part 47 notation.
Palette windows now reset their position if they would not be
visible on any screen.
Selecting a workplan in the executable tree now changes the highlit
faces in the geometry window to show any associated features for the
entire workplan.
Changes in release 4.6 (2008-01-04)
Extended the toolpath position and speed window to also show the
feedrate speed profile override. The final speed is shown along
with a percentage indicating how the feed has been adjusted from
the base value.
Changed the default file format for import/export workpiece,
fixture, etc from .203 to .stp. The underlying DLL can now import
and export AP203e2 tolerances as part of the operation.
Added the Part Properties pane which can show all of the tolerances
and surface textures in the file and highlight the associated faces.
Changes in release 4.5 (2007-12-17)
Added "Insert NC Function" to popup menu on the executable tree.
This can create Message functions, Extended NC functions and others
anywhere in the exec tree.
Added View | Worplan Paths option to show combined toolpaths for
workplans, and always show for probing workplans. Unlike the 3.x
viewer, this shows the tool, and using the Move Tool mode, you can
move the tool around within the combined toolpaths just as you can
for a single toolpath.
Added link to the STEP Tools home page on the help menu.
Changes in release 4.4 (2007-12-11)
Restored the context menu to geometry window to set the viewing mode
and restored the context menu on the executable tree for controlling
the display of NC functions, deleting items and showing workpiece
New DLL api calls for working with cross section data.
Changes in release 4.3 (2007-12-10)
Corrected some remaining API update issues with setup sheets.
Changes in release 4.2 (2007-12-07)
Converted to use the updated STEP-NC DLL API
Added Most Recently Used list to the file menu
Corrected position and cross-section windows so that they continue
to work when closed with the titlebar box and reopened
Changes in release 4.1 (2007-12-05)
Center on tool position now works properly.
Saving a file with a .stp/.step/.p21/.203 extension now writes
as Part 21 text rather than Part 28 XML
Simplified handling of palette windows. Now they remain visible
when the main window is not active, rather than disappearing and
Minor visual improvements - Updated splash graphic, handling of
disabled play button, toolbar buttons to turn position and cross
section windows on/off
Changes in release 4.0 (2007-12-03)
Reimplemented explorer display as .NET application using new
OpenGL graphics interface provided by the STEP-NC DLL.
Added new click to move tool functionality.
Added display window for toolpath cross-section information.
Changes in release 3.61 (2007-12-14)
Saving a file with a .stp/.step/.p21/.203 extension now writes
as Part 21 text rather than Part 28 XML
Changes in release 3.60 (2007-12-10)
Updating for use with revised STEP-NC DLL API
Changes in release 3.59 (2007-10-26)
Corrected some issues with probing start points.
Updated DMIS output so that both "dmis" and "dmis-manual" declare
features and tolerances with the features, added GOTO moves between
the PTMEAS commands in the feature measurement blocks. Added
additional probe declarations and other setup boilerplate at the
start of the program. Generating manual mode initial declarations
for all datums on the workpiece. Also corrected placement of
Cylinder features.
Changed DMIS output logic so that it emits moves for any workplan
that contain any nested probes. Workplans that do not contain any
probing are ignored.
Changes in release 3.58 (2007-10-19)
Corrected some issues with large numbers of speed/feed changes.
Changed the DMIS manual output so that the position and normal of
the features are transformed properly when the workpiece contains
assembly placements.
Changes in release 3.57 (2007-10-18)
Siemens import fixes.
Changes in release 3.56 (2007-10-15)
Changed the DMIS manual output so that we measure known features
directly (PLANE,CYLNDR) rather than create many point features and
construct from them. This simplifies the DMIS tremendously. We
still define point features if the STEP-NC feature is based on an
geometry type that does not map to a DMIS feature.
Changes in release 3.55 (2007-10-11)
Improvements to APT toolpath import.
Code generation fixes for Fanuc
Changes in release 3.54 (2007-10-10)
Added Siemens gcode import.
Code generation fixes for Fanuc
Now displays the "selective" element in a program using a special
Changes in release 3.53 (2007-10-05)
Code generation fixes for Fanuc
Changes in release 3.52 (2007-10-02)
Corrected the icons for all of the tolerances
Internal DLL fixes.
Changes in release 3.51 (2007-10-01)
Select face now displays the geometric coordinates of the face in
the position window.
Plan probing now allows selection of 1D or 2D moves.
Tolerance lists now show the datums and material condition.
Changes in release 3.50 (2007-09-28)
Added plus/minus display for tolerance values.
Changes in release 3.49 (2007-08-28)
Update to the workingstep display pane to show axial/radial depth
and bottom/side allowances.
Changes in release 3.48 (2007-08-27)
STEP-NC DLL Update to recognize poorly-formed units.
Changes in release 3.47 (2007-08-23)
STEP-NC DLL Update to handle data with meter units.
Changes in release 3.46 (2007-07-01)
Added ability to import Heidenhain probing result files in either
English or French. Probing result import now queries for the result
style rather than trying to guess based on extension.
Changes in release 3.45 (2007-06-25)
Fixes to Heidenhain iTNC530 BC output.
Changes in release 3.44 (2007-06-15)
Fixes to Heidenhain iTNC530 output. Line numbers were the default,
but could be turned off by STEP-NC Machine. Now permanent on. Was
not numbering the initial call to G90.
First attempt at Heidenhain probing output, using the MEASURING
cycle. The maximum move distance is 110% of the nominal value and
the retract after touch is 10% before it rapids back to the start
point. The probing feed is 100mm/min.
Changes in release 3.43 (2007-06-13)
Fixes to Heidenhain iTNC530 output. Forced block numbers, and
whitespace between control words for improved readability. Tool
change no longer uses M6, and includes a G17. Forced absolute
coordinates at start with G90, as well as another G17, and that
spindle and coolant are off at the end. Switched the spindle speed
S word and M3/M4 order so that the speed now comes first.
Changes in release 3.42 (2007-06-08)
Added export option for Heidenhain iTNC530 with BC geometry.
Changes in release 3.41 (2007-06-07)
Added option to display the origin as a blue status volume
Updated Heidenhain iTNC530 output to correct issues with the AC axis
moves and other things.
Changes in release 3.40 (2007-06-06)
Create probing operations now support cylindrical surfaces.
Added options to create angularity, perpendicularity, and surface
profile tolerances when creating probing plans.
Changed the datum A color so that it no longer conflicts with the
unevaluated tolerance color.
Changes in release 3.39 (2007-05-23)
Added Export | Siemens 810 option, which is based on the 840 code
but without any of the WS macros.
Added Export | Heidenhain option for Heidenhain iTNC530 with TCP
programming handled by using M128 on an AC configuration.
Changes in release 3.38 (2007-05-11)
Added Import | Catia (plate) option to create toolpaths from plate
cutting operations.
Changes in release 3.37 (2007-05-08)
Updates to ESAB output.
Added a View | Main Workplan Toolpaths option to show all toolpaths
when the main workplan is selected.
Changes in release 3.36 (2007-05-01)
Corrected Export dialog to avoid bad calls to workpiece probing
transform functions when the transform checkboxes are disabled.
Changes in release 3.35 (2007-04-20)
Changes to the probing status display to make sure the positions are
properly displayed.
Minor change in DMIS unit declarations.
Updated ESAB output to eliminate comments, wrap text marking in a
D003/D004 block, and output a feedrate before marking.
Changes in release 3.34 (2007-04-19)
Added options for DMIS export for inspection. The plain DMIS mode
exports goto commands while the manual mode simply exports the point
and feature definitions.
Added option to CNC export dialog to allow replanning of probes
based on workpiece complete probing position feedback.
Changed the probe status volumes to display at the surface point
rather than the start point.
Added menu option to set the machining start point.
Changes in release 3.33 (2007-04-12)
Improved ESAB full circle output, extended the output to handle NC
functions for turning the plasma or marking head on/off, controling
bevel cutting as well as marking cycles for scribing geometry, part
labels or other text characters.
Changes in release 3.32 (2007-04-06)
DLL Update.
Changes in release 3.31 (2007-04-06)
Added preliminary support for ESAB code export.
Added support for display of Extended_NC_function instances used to
represent plate-cutting specific items.
Added End_Mill_12mm_0rad.stp and End_Mill_12mm_4rad.stp tool models
to the tool library.
Changes in release 3.30 (2007-03-21)
Added export option to turn block numbering off/on. By default this
is now off.
Changes in release 3.29 (2007-03-09)
Get Probe Results should now read files with any EOL convention.
Changes in release 3.28 (2007-03-09)
Added "Disable TCP" option in export dialog.
Improvements to Siemens probing output.
Changes in release 3.27 (2007-03-09)
Display of toolpaths transformed by probing results now works.
Improvements to MSDI lathe output.
Changes in release 3.26 (2007-03-08)
Temporarily force display the transformed toolpaths at all times.
Changes in release 3.25 (2007-03-08)
Added options to display the transformed toolpaths.
Added ability to show/hide the options on the toolpath export.
Changes in release 3.24 (2007-03-08)
Corrected probing results refresh issue.
Corrected DLL internal issues.
Changes in release 3.23 (2007-03-07)
Added options to the make probe dialog to set U/V deltas to be
applied when generating a probing operation.
Changed the read probe results code to handle siemens XYZ results,
and to also display the probe pane whenever there are probe values
in the file. This is necessary to be able to see the values that
you just read in.
Internal DLL fixes for computing workpiece displacement from probe
results and generating code with the transform.
Changes in release 3.22 (2007-03-06)
Added options to the CNC export dialog to select the work offset
frame, digits of precision, and use of optional stops after every
workingstep in the generated code.
Internal DLL fixes for probing and CNC code generation.
Changes in release 3.21 (2007-03-02)
Internal DLL fixes for probing.
Changes in release 3.20 (2007-02-28)
Refinements to CNC export dialog and corrections to MDSI output.
Changes in release 3.19 (2007-02-26)
Added export dialog for control over the code generation units and
other options.
Corrected units issue when generating code for MDSI.
Changes in release 3.18 (2007-02-23)
Improvements and fixes on setup sheet and DLL.
Added "Delete" popup menu on the tree display to remove unwanted
workingsteps and workplans.
Changes in release 3.17 (2007-02-22)
Workingsteps without toolpaths no longer cause exceptions.
Improved display code for planar face and general outside profile
features. Added detail pane for general pattern features.
Added ability to display and save setup sheets for the project.
Changes in release 3.16 (2007-02-07)
The viewer now resets to orbit mode after setting a datum.
When creating a Probing Plan for a surface, now testing for failure
of the probe creation before trying to define a position tolerance.
Saving the design via File | Save or File | Save As now forces a
viewer reload because the data has different identifiers.
Corrected the Highlight Probe Measures to take account of the
workpiece placement when displaying the points.
Changes in release 3.15 (2007-01-31)
Changed Probing | Get Probe Results to use a file dialog to find the
Forced datum checkboxes to appear when setting datums.
Changes in release 3.14 (2007-01-31)
Added the Probing | Highlight Probe Measures submenu to display
status volumes on the part for probes that are out of tolerance.
The submenu turns volumes on, off, increases, decrease the size.
Added View | Highlight Feature Faces option and made the value of
that and the View | Display NC Functions option persistent between
application runs.
Changes in release 3.13 (2007-01-25)
Refresh with improvements to probing code generation.
Changes in release 3.12 (2007-01-24)
Added the "View P28" HTML shell extension to the installer.
Added Export | Haas option and Import | Fanuc and Haas options.
Refresh with improvements to zlib compressed STEP XML files.
Changes in release 3.11 (2007-01-22)
Now supports STEP-NC data in zlib compressed XML files.
Setting the placement (Setup | Placement | etc.) for workpiece,
rawpiece, or fixture no longer overwrites the STEP-NC file. You can
save the results or not as with the other things.
Changes in release 3.10 (2007-01-19)
Improved the backplot play feature so that it continues on to the
next workingstep when the current one is complete.
Now displaying the spindle speed for rapids. Needs v1.25 of the
geometry control to work correctly.
STEP-NC DLL refresh that improves performace when tolerance data is
present in the file.
Changes in release 3.9 (2007-01-16)
Selecting a workplan now displays all toolpaths within the plan.
For performance reasons, this has been disabled for the main plan
but may be enabled at a later date.
The probe maker now offers to create a position tolerance. Also
remembers preferred probe direction between calls.
Changes in release 3.8 (2007-01-12)
The Create Probing Plan function now associates probing tool
geometry with the plan and reloads the viewer control with the
result. The probe tool geometry is currently fixed to be a file
called tools/probe.stp in the install directory.
Now installing a selection of sample tool geometry including the
probing tool described above.
Updated all of the other functions that reload the viewer so that
they no longer delete on existing files during the reload process.
Changes in release 3.7 (2007-01-11)
Added Probing | Create Probing Plan for Surface for initial testing.
It recognizes planes and b_spline_curve_with_knot surface types. It
is only partially functional -- when creating a new plan, the tree
control is reloaded so that you can see it, but the geometry control
is not yet reloaded.
Replaced Zoom All toolbar icon with a more intuitive one. Minor
tweaks to the other icons.
Changed the saved settings in the registry so that they are now all
under STEP Tools, Inc. and in sensible subkeys. The recent file
list will be reset because it is now stored in a different place.
Changes in release 3.6 (2007-01-04)
Explorer now does a Zoom All when opening the first step to make
sure that everything is well centered when the part is far from the
Added tooltips for pick/pan/rotate toolbar.
Added Export | Tool menu option, plus other internal changes to the
tool list.
Tolerance list in Probing pane is now cleared when moving between
OCX binary compatibility with earlier versions broken because of
a number of interface changes.
Changes in release 3.5 (2007-01-03)
Fixed resize of backplot buttons and speed slider in left column and
positioning of the coordinates display in the model window.
Explorer now goes to the first workingstep with a toolpath rather
than looking for one with multiple toolpaths. This means that a
probing operation will be shown if present.
Added the current pick/pan/rotate status to the toolbar.
Changed the cursors used for picking bodies, faces, and edges to be
less goofy looking (was a stickman, smiley face, and an E).
Changes in release 3.4 (2006-12-29)
Added View | Entity ID for Pick menu option to display pick results.
Expanded coordinate box to accommodate larger numbers and greater
Geometry control now supports panning, better switching between the
various pick and view modes.
STEP-NC DLL refresh.
Changes in release 3.3 (2006-12-22)
Significantly improved geometry display speed for larger toolpaths.
Changes in release 3.2 (2006-12-22)
Internal release.
Changes in release 3.1 (2006-12-21)
Visual improvements to the backplot start/stop, forward and reverse
buttons and added a slider to control backplot speed. Also reworked
the backplot to avoid saturating the CPU on slow speeds.
Added display support in the workplan tree for more NC Functions
(return home, program stop, and optional stop)
Changes in release 3.0 (2006-12-18)
Added a display pane for Probing operations as well as coloring of
features on the part (red/yellow/green) depending on the results of
probing returned from the CNC. The model view has checkboxes to
display datum faces if present in the part. First demonstrated at
the Hershey ISP meeting and since improved.
Corrected the handling of the "most recently used" file list on the
File menu.
Reworked the internals of the STEPNCExplorer Active X control to
remove any remaining references to the StixCOM package. The tool
now gets all data directly from the STEPNC DLL. The COM signature
of the tool has changed as a result, so the OCX is now version 3
rather than 2.