ENTITY IfcPixelTexture

(* SCHEMA IFC4; *)
ENTITY IfcPixelTexture
 SUBTYPE OF (IfcSurfaceTexture);
	Width : IfcInteger;
	Height : IfcInteger;
	ColourComponents : IfcInteger;
	Pixel : LIST [1:?] OF IfcBinary;
	MinPixelInS : Width >= 1;
	MinPixelInT : Height >= 1;
	NumberOfColours : {1 <= ColourComponents <= 4};
	PixelAsByteAndSameLength : SIZEOF(QUERY(temp<* Pixel |
 (BLENGTH(temp) MOD 8 = 0) AND
 (BLENGTH(temp) = BLENGTH(Pixel[1]))
)) = SIZEOF(Pixel);
	SizeOfPixelList : SIZEOF(Pixel) = (Width * Height);

Explicit Attributes

Entity IfcPixelTexture has the following local and inherited explicit attributes:
AttributeTypeDefined By
 RepeatSIfcBoolean (BOOLEAN)IfcSurfaceTexture
 RepeatTIfcBoolean (BOOLEAN)IfcSurfaceTexture
 ModeIfcIdentifier (STRING)IfcSurfaceTexture
 TextureTransformIfcCartesianTransformationOperator2D (ENTITY)IfcSurfaceTexture
 PARAMETERLIST OF IfcIdentifier (STRING)IfcSurfaceTexture
 WidthIfcInteger (INTEGER)IfcPixelTexture
 HeightIfcInteger (INTEGER)IfcPixelTexture
 ColourComponentsIfcInteger (INTEGER)IfcPixelTexture
 PixelLIST OF IfcBinary (BINARY)IfcPixelTexture

Derived Attributes

    No derived attributes

Inverse Attributes

Entity IfcPixelTexture has the following local and inherited inverse attributes:
AttributeTypeDefined By
 IsMappedBySET OF IfcTextureCoordinate (ENTITY)IfcSurfaceTexture
 UsedInStylesSET OF IfcSurfaceStyleWithTextures (ENTITY)IfcSurfaceTexture


Entity IfcPixelTexture inherits from the following supertypes:


    No subtypes

Referenced By

Entity IfcPixelTexture and its supertypes are referenced by the following definitions:
DefinitionTypeReferenced Entity
 IfcPresentationItem ENTITY IfcSurfaceTexture
 IfcSurfaceStyleWithTextures ENTITY IfcSurfaceTexture
 IfcSurfaceTexture ENTITY IfcPixelTexture
 IfcTextureCoordinate ENTITY IfcSurfaceTexture

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