TYPE description_attribute_select

(* SCHEMA step_merged_ap_schema; *)
-- DIFF IN AP214
-- DIFF IN AP203e2
-- DIFF IN AP224
-- DIFF IN AP232
TYPE description_attribute_select = SELECT
  (action_request_solution,					 -- Common
   application_context,						 -- Common
   approval_role,						 -- Common
   configuration_design,					 -- AP203e2/AP214/AP232/AP238 STEP-NC/AP242
   context_dependent_shape_representation,			 -- AP203e2/AP214/AP232/AP238 STEP-NC/AP242
   date_role,							 -- Common
   date_time_role,						 -- AP203e2/AP214/AP232/AP238 STEP-NC/AP242
   effectivity,							 -- AP203e2/AP214/AP232/AP238 STEP-NC/AP242
   external_source,						 -- Common
   organization_role,						 -- Common
   organizational_project,					 -- AP238 STEP-NC/AP242
   person_and_organization,					 -- Common
   person_and_organization_role,				 -- Common
   property_definition_representation,				 -- Common
   representation);						 -- Common

Referenced By

Defintion description_attribute_select is references by the following definitions:
 description_attribute ENTITY
 get_description_value FUNCTION

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