(* SCHEMA step_merged_ap_schema; *)
-- DIFF IN AP238 STEP-NC -- IN AP238 STEP-NC/AP242 RULE tolerance_zone_form_name_constraint FOR (tolerance_zone_form ); LOCAL names : SET OF STRING := [ 'within a circle', 'within a cylinder', 'within a cone', 'within a single complex surface', 'within a sphere', 'between two coaxial cylinders', 'between two concentric circles', 'between two equidistant curves', 'between two equidistant complex lines or two parallel straight lines', 'between two equidistant complex surfaces or two parallel planes', 'between two equidistant surfaces', 'between two non-equidistant complex lines or two non-parallel straight lines', 'between two non-equidistant complex surfaces or two non-parallel planes', 'between two parallel circles on a conical surface', 'between two parallel circles of the same diameter', 'non uniform', 'cylindrical or circular', 'spherical', 'unknown' ]; pass : BOOLEAN := FALSE; END_LOCAL; REPEAT i := 1 TO SIZEOF(tolerance_zone_form) WHILE pass; pass := tolerance_zone_form[i].name IN names; END_REPEAT; WHERE WR1: pass; END_RULE;
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