Application module: Pre defined product data management specializations ISO/TS 10303-1760:2014-02(E)

Cover page
Table of contents
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
    3.1 Terms and definitions
    3.2 Abbreviated terms

4 Information requirements
   4.1 Required AM ARMs
   4.2 ARM constant definitions
   4.3 ARM type definition
   4.4 ARM entity definitions
   4.5 ARM subtype constraint definitions
5 Module interpreted model
   5.1 Mapping specification
   5.2 MIM EXPRESS short listing
     5.2.1 MIM type definitions

A MIM short names
B Information object registration
E Computer interpretable listings
F Change history

4 Information requirements

This clause specifies the information requirements for the Pre defined product data management specializations application module. The information requirements are specified as the Application Reference Model (ARM) of this application module.

NOTE 1  A graphical representation of the information requirements is given in Annex C.

NOTE 2  The mapping specification is specified in 5.1. It shows how the information requirements are met by using common resources and constructs defined or imported in the MIM schema of this application module.

This clause defines the information requirements to which implementations shall conform using the EXPRESS language as defined in ISO 10303-11. The following begins the Pre_defined_product_data_management_specializations_arm schema and identifies the necessary external references.

EXPRESS specification:

SCHEMA Pre_defined_product_data_management_specializations_arm;

4.1 Required AM ARMs

The following EXPRESS interface statements specify the elements imported from the ARMs of other application modules.

EXPRESS specification:

USE FROM Activity_arm;    --  ISO/TS 10303-1047

USE FROM Approval_arm;    --  ISO/TS 10303-1012

USE FROM External_item_identification_assignment_arm;    --  ISO/TS 10303-1128

USE FROM Person_organization_assignment_arm;    --  ISO/TS 10303-1013

USE FROM Security_classification_arm;    --  ISO/TS 10303-1015

USE FROM Work_request_arm;    --  ISO/TS 10303-1042

NOTE 1   The schemas referenced above are specified in the following part of ISO 10303:

Activity_arm ISO/TS 10303-1047
Approval_arm ISO/TS 10303-1012
External_item_identification_assignment_arm ISO/TS 10303-1128
Person_organization_assignment_arm ISO/TS 10303-1013
Security_classification_arm ISO/TS 10303-1015
Work_request_arm ISO/TS 10303-1042

NOTE 2   See Annex C, Figures C.1, C.2and C.3 for a graphical representation of this schema.

4.2 ARM constant definitions

This subclause specifies the ARM constants for this module. The ARM constants and definitions are specified below.

EXPRESS specification:


4.2.1 Pre_defined_activity_relationship_types

A Pre_defined_activity_relationship_types is a constant list of the Pre_defined_activity_relationship_types:

EXPRESS specification:

  Pre_defined_activity_relationship_types : SET[0:?] OF STRING :=
   [ 'alternative',

4.2.2 Pre_defined_security_classification_types

A Pre_defined_security_classification_types is a constant list of the Pre_defined_security_classification_types:

EXPRESS specification:

  Pre_defined_security_classification_types : SET[0:?] OF STRING :=
   [ 'unclassified',
     'top secret'];

4.2.3 Pre_defined_address_assignment_types

A Pre_defined_address_assignment_types is a constant list of the Pre_defined_address_assignment_types:

EXPRESS specification:

  Pre_defined_address_assignment_types : SET[0:?] OF STRING :=
   [ 'delivery address',
     'postal address',
     'visitor address'];

4.2.4 Pre_defined_organization_or_person_in_organization_assignment_types

A Pre_defined_organization_or_person_in_organization_assignment_types is a constant list of the Pre_defined_organization_or_person_in_organization_assignment_types:

EXPRESS specification:

  Pre_defined_organization_or_person_in_organization_assignment_types : SET[0:?] OF STRING :=
   [ 'author',
     'classification officer',
     'design supplier',
     'id owner',
     'read access',
     'write access',
     'organization in contract'];

4.2.5 Pre_defined_approval_status_types

A Pre_defined_approval_status_types is a constant list of the Pre_defined_approval_status_types:

EXPRESS specification:

  Pre_defined_approval_status_types : SET[0:?] OF STRING :=
   [ 'approved',
     'not yet approved'];

4.2.6 Pre_defined_approval_types

A Pre_defined_approval_types is a constant list of the Pre_defined_approval_types:

EXPRESS specification:

  Pre_defined_approval_types : SET[0:?] OF STRING :=
   [ 'disposition',
     'equipment order',

4.2.7 Pre_defined_date_or_date_time_assignment_types

A Pre_defined_date_or_date_time_assignment_types is a constant list of the Pre_defined_date_or_date_time_assignment_types:

EXPRESS specification:

  Pre_defined_date_or_date_time_assignment_types : SET[0:?] OF STRING :=
   [ 'creation',
     'start date',
     'end date',
     'release date',
     'request date'];

4.2.8 Pre_defined_work_request_types

A Pre_defined_work_request_types is a constant list of the Pre_defined_work_request_types:

EXPRESS specification:

  Pre_defined_work_request_types : SET[0:?] OF STRING :=
   [ 'change of standard',
     'cost reduction',
     'customer rejection',
     'customer request',
     'durability improvement',
     'government regulation',
     'production alignment',
     'procurement alignment',
     'production relief',
     'production requirement',
     'quality improvement',
     'security reason',
     'supplier request',
     'technical improvement',
     'tool improvement'];

4.2.9 Pre_defined_work_request_status_types

A Pre_defined_work_request_status_types is a constant list of the Pre_defined_work_request_status_types:

EXPRESS specification:

  Pre_defined_work_request_status_types : SET[0:?] OF STRING :=
   [ 'in work',


4.3 ARM type definition

This subclause specifies the ARM type for this application module. The ARM type and definition is specified below.

4.3.1 pdpdms_external_identification_item   EXPRESS-G

The pdpdms_external_identification_item type is an extension of the external_identification_item type. It adds the data types Externally_defined_activity_relationship, Externally_defined_security_classification, Externally_defined_address_assignment, Externally_defined_organization_or_person_in_organization_assignment, Externally_defined_approval_status, Externally_defined_approval, Externally_defined_date_or_date_time_assignment, Externally_defined_work_request and Externally_defined_work_request_status to the list of alternate data types.

NOTE  The list of entity data types may be extended in application modules that use the constructs of this module.

EXPRESS specification:

TYPE pdpdms_external_identification_item = EXTENSIBLE GENERIC_ENTITY SELECT BASED_ON external_identification_item WITH

4.4 ARM entity definitions

This subclause specifies the ARM entities for this module. Each ARM application entity is an atomic element that embodies a unique application concept and contains attributes specifying the data elements of the entity. The ARM entities and definitions are specified below.

4.4.1 Externally_defined_activity_relationship   EXPRESS-GMapping table

An Externally_defined_activity_relationship is a type of Activity_relationship whose meaning is defined outside of this standard in an external source.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Externally_defined_activity_relationship
  SUBTYPE OF (Activity_relationship);
  source : External_source_identification FOR item;
  WR1: NOT (SELF\ IN Pre_defined_activity_relationship_types);

Attribute definitions:

source: specifies an inverse relationship that specifies that the existence of the Externally_defined_activity_relationship is dependent on the existence of the External_source_identification that specifies the Externally_defined_activity_relationship as its item.

Formal propositions:

WR1: The name shall not have a value from the Pre_defined_activity_relationship_types.

4.4.2 Externally_defined_address_assignment   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Externally_defined_address_assignment is a type of Address_assignment whose meaning is defined outside of this standard in an external source.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Externally_defined_address_assignment
  SUBTYPE OF (Address_assignment);
  source : External_source_identification FOR item;
  WR1: (EXISTS(SELF\Address_assignment.address_type)) AND (NOT (SELF\Address_assignment.address_type IN Pre_defined_address_assignment_types));

Attribute definitions:

source: specifies an inverse relationship that specifies that the existence of the Externally_defined_address_assignment is dependent on the existence of the External_source_identification that specifies the Externally_defined_address_assignment as its item.

Formal propositions:

WR1: The address_type shall be provided and shall not have a value from the Pre_defined_address_assignment_types.

4.4.3 Externally_defined_approval   EXPRESS-GMapping table

An Externally_defined_approval is a type of Approval whose meaning is defined outside of this standard in an external source.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Externally_defined_approval
  SUBTYPE OF (Approval);
  source : External_source_identification FOR item;
  WR1: NOT (SELF\Approval.purpose IN Pre_defined_approval_types);

Attribute definitions:

source: specifies an inverse relationship that specifies that the existence of the Externally_defined_approval is dependent on the existence of the External_source_identification that specifies the Externally_defined_approval as its item.

Formal propositions:

WR1: The purpose shall not have a value from the Pre_defined_approval_types.

4.4.4 Externally_defined_approval_status   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Externally_defined_approval_status is a type of Approval_status whose meaning is defined outside of this standard in an external source.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Externally_defined_approval_status
  SUBTYPE OF (Approval_status);
  source : External_source_identification FOR item;
  WR1: NOT (SELF\Approval_status.status_name IN Pre_defined_approval_status_types);

Attribute definitions:

source: specifies an inverse relationship that specifies that the existence of the Externally_defined_approval_status is dependent on the existence of the External_source_identification that specifies the Externally_defined_approval_status as its item.

Formal propositions:

WR1: The status_name shall not have a value from the Pre_defined_approval_status_types.

4.4.5 Externally_defined_date_or_date_time_assignment   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Externally_defined_date_or_date_time_assignment is a type of Date_or_date_time_assignment whose meaning is defined outside of this standard in an external source.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Externally_defined_date_or_date_time_assignment
  SUBTYPE OF (Date_or_date_time_assignment);
  source : External_source_identification FOR item;
  WR1: NOT (SELF\Date_or_date_time_assignment.role IN Pre_defined_date_or_date_time_assignment_types);

Attribute definitions:

source: specifies an inverse relationship that specifies that the existence of the Externally_defined_date_or_date_time_assignment is dependent on the existence of the External_source_identification that specifies the Externally_defined_date_or_date_time_assignment as its item.

Formal propositions:

WR1: The role shall not have a value from the Pre_defined_date_or_date_time_assignment_types.

4.4.6 Externally_defined_organization_or_person_in_organization_assignment   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Externally_defined_organization_or_person_in_organization_assignment is a type of Organization_or_person_in_organization_assignment whose meaning is defined outside of this standard in an external source.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Externally_defined_organization_or_person_in_organization_assignment
  SUBTYPE OF (Organization_or_person_in_organization_assignment);
  source : External_source_identification FOR item;
  WR1: NOT (SELF\Organization_or_person_in_organization_assignment.role IN Pre_defined_organization_or_person_in_organization_assignment_types);

Attribute definitions:

source: specifies an inverse relationship that specifies that the existence of the Externally_defined_organization_or_person_in_organization_assignment is dependent on the existence of the External_source_identification that specifies the Externally_defined_organization_or_person_in_organization_assignment as its item.

Formal propositions:

WR1: The role shall not have a value from the Pre_defined_organization_or_person_in_organization_assignment_types.

4.4.7 Externally_defined_security_classification   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Externally_defined_security_classification is a type of Security_classification whose meaning is defined outside of this standard in an external source.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Externally_defined_security_classification
  SUBTYPE OF (Security_classification);
  source : External_source_identification FOR item;
  WR1: NOT (SELF\Security_classification.classification_level IN Pre_defined_security_classification_types);

Attribute definitions:

source: specifies an inverse relationship that specifies that the existence of the Externally_defined_security_classification is dependent on the existence of the External_source_identification that specifies the Externally_defined_security_classification as its item.

Formal propositions:

WR1: The classification_level shall not have a value from the Pre_defined_security_classification_types.

4.4.8 Externally_defined_work_request   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Externally_defined_work_request is a type of Work_request whose meaning is defined outside of this standard in an external source.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Externally_defined_work_request
  SUBTYPE OF (Work_request);
  source : External_source_identification FOR item;
  WR1: NOT (SELF\Work_request.purpose IN Pre_defined_work_request_types);

Attribute definitions:

source: specifies an inverse relationship that specifies that the existence of the Externally_defined_work_request is dependent on the existence of the External_source_identification that specifies the Externally_defined_work_request as its item.

Formal propositions:

WR1: The purpose shall not have a value from the Pre_defined_work_request_types.

4.4.9 Externally_defined_work_request_status   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Externally_defined_work_request_status is a type of Work_request_status whose meaning is defined outside of this standard in an external source.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Externally_defined_work_request_status
  SUBTYPE OF (Work_request_status);
  source : External_source_identification FOR item;
  WR1: NOT (SELF\Work_request_status.status IN Pre_defined_work_request_status_types);

Attribute definitions:

source: specifies an inverse relationship that specifies that the existence of the Externally_defined_work_request_status is dependent on the existence of the External_source_identification that specifies the Externally_defined_work_request_status as its item.

Formal propositions:

WR1: The status shall have a value from the Pre_defined_work_request_status_types.

4.4.10 Person_in_organization_relationship   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Person_in_organization_relationship is a means to specify a relationship between Person_in_organization.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Person_in_organization_relationship;
  description : OPTIONAL STRING;
  relating : Person_in_organization;
  related : Person_in_organization;
  relation_type : STRING;

Attribute definitions:

description: the text that provides further information about Person_in_organization_relationship. The value of this attribute need not be specified.

relating: an instance specifies a role of the Person_in_organization for the Person_in_organization_relationship.

related: an instance specifies a role of the Person_in_organization for the Person_in_organization_relationship.

relation_type: specifies a string value of a relation type.

4.4.11 Pre_defined_activity_relationship   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Pre_defined_activity_relationship is a type of Activity_relationship whose meaning is defined by one of the Pre_defined_activity_relationship_types.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Pre_defined_activity_relationship
  SUBTYPE OF (Activity_relationship);
  WR1: SELF\ IN Pre_defined_activity_relationship_types;

Formal propositions:

WR1: The name shall have a value from the Pre_defined_activity_relationship_types.

4.4.12 Pre_defined_address_assignment   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Pre_defined_address_assignment is a type of Address_assignment whose meaning is defined by one of the Pre_defined_address_assignment_types.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Pre_defined_address_assignment
  SUBTYPE OF (Address_assignment);
  WR1: SELF\Address_assignment.address_type IN Pre_defined_address_assignment_types;

Formal propositions:

WR1: The address_type shall have a value from the Pre_defined_address_assignment_types.

4.4.13 Pre_defined_approval   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Pre_defined_approval is a type of Approval whose meaning is defined by one of the Pre_defined_approval_types.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Pre_defined_approval
  SUBTYPE OF (Approval);
  WR1: SELF\Approval.purpose IN Pre_defined_approval_types;

Formal propositions:

WR1: The purpose shall have a value from the Pre_defined_approval_types.

4.4.14 Pre_defined_approval_status   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Pre_defined_approval_status is a type of Approval_status whose meaning is defined by one of the Pre_defined_approval_status_types.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Pre_defined_approval_status
  SUBTYPE OF (Approval_status);
  WR1: SELF\Approval_status.status_name IN Pre_defined_approval_status_types;

Formal propositions:

WR1: The status_name shall have a value from the Pre_defined_approval_status_types.

4.4.15 Pre_defined_date_or_date_time_assignment   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Pre_defined_date_or_date_time_assignment is a type of Date_or_date_time_assignment whose meaning is defined by one of the Pre_defined_date_or_date_time_assignment_types.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Pre_defined_date_or_date_time_assignment
  SUBTYPE OF (Date_or_date_time_assignment);
  WR1: SELF\Date_or_date_time_assignment.role IN Pre_defined_date_or_date_time_assignment_types;

Formal propositions:

WR1: The role shall have a value from the Pre_defined_date_or_date_time_assignment_types.

4.4.16 Pre_defined_organization_or_person_in_organization_assignment   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Pre_defined_organization_or_person_in_organization_assignment is a type of Organization_or_person_in_organization_assignment whose meaning is defined by one of the Pre_defined_organization_or_person_in_organization_assignment_types.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Pre_defined_organization_or_person_in_organization_assignment
  SUBTYPE OF (Organization_or_person_in_organization_assignment);
  WR1: SELF\Organization_or_person_in_organization_assignment.role IN Pre_defined_organization_or_person_in_organization_assignment_types;

Formal propositions:

WR1: The role shall have a value from the Pre_defined_organization_or_person_in_organization_assignment_types.

4.4.17 Pre_defined_security_classification   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Pre_defined_security_classification is a type of Security_classification whose meaning is defined by one of the Pre_defined_security_classification_types.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Pre_defined_security_classification
  SUBTYPE OF (Security_classification);
  WR1: SELF\Security_classification.classification_level IN Pre_defined_security_classification_types;

Formal propositions:

WR1: The classification_level shall have a value from the Pre_defined_security_classification_types.

4.4.18 Pre_defined_work_request   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Pre_defined_work_request is a type of Work_request whose meaning is defined by one of the Pre_defined_work_request_types.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Pre_defined_work_request
  SUBTYPE OF (Work_request);
  WR1: SELF\Work_request.purpose IN Pre_defined_work_request_types;

Formal propositions:

WR1: The purpose shall have a value from the Pre_defined_work_request_types.

4.4.19 Pre_defined_work_request_status   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Pre_defined_work_request_status is a type of Work_request_status whose meaning is defined by one of the Pre_defined_work_request_status_types.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Pre_defined_work_request_status
  SUBTYPE OF (Work_request_status);
  WR1: SELF\Work_request_status.status IN Pre_defined_work_request_status_types;

Formal propositions:

WR1: The status shall have a value from the Pre_defined_work_request_status_types.

4.5 ARM subtype constraint definitions

This subclause specifies the ARM subtype constraints for this module. Each subtype constraint places constraints on the possible super-type / subtype instantiations. The ARM subtype constraints and definitions are specified below.

4.5.1 pdpdms_activity_relationship_subtypes   EXPRESS-GMapping table

The pdpdms_activity_relationship_subtypes constraint specifies that Activity_relationship is an abstract supertype and that defines a constraint that applies to instances of subtypes of Activity_relationship.

EXPRESS specification:

SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT pdpdms_activity_relationship_subtypes FOR Activity_relationship;
  ONEOF (Pre_defined_activity_relationship,

4.5.2 pdpdms_security_classification_subtypes   EXPRESS-GMapping table

The pdpdms_security_classification_subtypes constraint specifies that Security_classification is an abstract supertype and that defines a constraint that applies to instances of subtypes of Security_classification.

EXPRESS specification:

SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT pdpdms_security_classification_subtypes FOR Security_classification;
  ONEOF (Pre_defined_security_classification,

4.5.3 pdpdms_address_assignment_subtypes   EXPRESS-GMapping table

The pdpdms_address_assignment_subtypes constraint specifies that Address_assignment is an abstract supertype and that defines a constraint that applies to instances of subtypes of Address_assignment.

EXPRESS specification:

SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT pdpdms_address_assignment_subtypes FOR Address_assignment;
  ONEOF (Pre_defined_address_assignment,

4.5.4 pdpdms_organization_or_person_in_organization_assignment_subtypes   EXPRESS-GMapping table

The pdpdms_organization_or_person_in_organization_assignment_subtypes constraint specifies that Organization_or_person_in_organization_assignment is an abstract supertype and that defines a constraint that applies to instances of subtypes of Organization_or_person_in_organization_assignment.

EXPRESS specification:

SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT pdpdms_organization_or_person_in_organization_assignment_subtypes FOR Organization_or_person_in_organization_assignment;
  ONEOF (Pre_defined_organization_or_person_in_organization_assignment,

4.5.5 pdpdms_approval_status_subtypes   EXPRESS-GMapping table

The pdpdms_approval_status_subtypes constraint specifies that Approval_status is an abstract supertype and that defines a constraint that applies to instances of subtypes of Approval_status.

EXPRESS specification:

SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT pdpdms_approval_status_subtypes FOR Approval_status;
  ONEOF (Pre_defined_approval_status,

4.5.6 pdpdms_approval_subtypes   EXPRESS-GMapping table

The pdpdms_approval_subtypes constraint specifies that Approval is an abstract supertype and that defines a constraint that applies to instances of subtypes of Approval.

EXPRESS specification:

SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT pdpdms_approval_subtypes FOR Approval;
  ONEOF (Pre_defined_approval,

4.5.7 pdpdms_date_or_date_time_assignment_subtypes   EXPRESS-GMapping table

The pdpdms_date_or_date_time_assignment_subtypes constraint specifies that Date_or_date_time_assignment is an abstract supertype and that defines a constraint that applies to instances of subtypes of Date_or_date_time_assignment.

EXPRESS specification:

SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT pdpdms_date_or_date_time_assignment_subtypes FOR Date_or_date_time_assignment;
  ONEOF (Pre_defined_date_or_date_time_assignment,

4.5.8 pdpdms_work_request_subtypes   EXPRESS-GMapping table

The pdpdms_work_request_subtypes constraint specifies that Work_request is an abstract supertype and that defines a constraint that applies to instances of subtypes of Work_request.

EXPRESS specification:

SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT pdpdms_work_request_subtypes FOR Work_request;
  ONEOF (Pre_defined_work_request,

4.5.9 pdpdms_work_request_status_subtypes   EXPRESS-GMapping table

The pdpdms_work_request_status_subtypes constraint specifies that Work_request_status is an abstract supertype and that defines a constraint that applies to instances of subtypes of Work_request_status.

EXPRESS specification:

SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT pdpdms_work_request_status_subtypes FOR Work_request_status;
  ONEOF (Pre_defined_work_request_status,

END_SCHEMA;  -- Pre_defined_product_data_management_specializations_arm

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