Application module:
Product occurrence |
ISO/TS 10303-1063:2018-11(E)
Annex F
Change history
This annex documents the history of technical modifications made to
ISO/TS 10303-1063.
The second
edition of this part of ISO 10303
the modifications to the
edition listed below.
The following ARM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been added:
- USE_FROM Part_occurrence_arm.
The following ARM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been modified:
- TYPE part_occurrence_select;
- ENTITY Definition_based_function_occurrence;
- ENTITY Specification_based_function_occurrence.
The following ARM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been removed:
- USE_FROM Assembly_structure_arm;
- USE_FROM Extended_measure_representation_arm;
- USE_FROM Measure_representation_arm;
- USE_FROM Part_view_definition_arm;
- USE_FROM Product_view_definition_arm;
- USE_FROM Product_view_definition_relationship_arm;
- USE_FROM Value_with_unit_arm;
- ENTITY Definition_based_part_occurrence;
- ENTITY Definition_based_product_occurrence;
- ENTITY Part_occurrence_definition_relationship;
- ENTITY Product_occurrence;
- ENTITY Quantified_instance;
- ENTITY Selected_instance;
- ENTITY Single_function_unit;
- ENTITY Single_instance;
- ENTITY Specification_based_part_occurrence;
- ENTITY Specification_based_product_occurrence;
- SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT alternate_part_instance.
In addition, modifications have been made to the mapping specification,
the MIM schema and the EXPRESS-G diagrams to reflect and be consistent
with the modifications of the ARM.
The following MIM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been added:
- USE_FROM Part_occurrence_mim.
The following MIM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been removed:
- USE_FROM Assembly_structure_mim;
- USE_FROM Extended_measure_representation_mim;
- USE_FROM Measure_representation_mim;
- USE_FROM Part_view_definition_mim;
- USE_FROM product_property_definition_schema(characterized_product_definition, property_definition);
- USE_FROM product_property_representation_schema(property_definition_representation);
- USE_FROM product_structure_schema(product_definition_occurrence_relationship, quantified_assembly_component_usage);
- USE_FROM Product_view_definition_mim;
- USE_FROM Product_view_definition_relationship_mim;
- USE_FROM Value_with_unit_mim;
- TYPE product_definition_or_assembly_relationship;
- RULE restrict_part_occurrence;
- RULE restrict_part_occurrence_category;
- RULE restrict_product_definitions_for_definition_usage;
- RULE selected_instance_usage_requires_representation;
- FUNCTION valid_selected_instance_representation.
The third
edition of this part of ISO 10303
the modifications to the
edition listed below.
The following ARM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been added:
- USE_FROM Assembly_structure_arm;
- USE_FROM Extended_measure_representation_arm;
- USE_FROM Part_view_definition_arm;
- USE_FROM Product_view_definition_relationship_arm;
- TYPE extended_value_with_unit;
- ENTITY Definition_based_product_occurrence;
- ENTITY Product_occurrence;
- ENTITY Product_occurrence_with_quantity;
- ENTITY Quantified_instance;
- ENTITY Selected_instance;
- ENTITY Single_instance;
- ENTITY Specification_based_part_version;
- ENTITY Specification_based_product_occurrence.
The following ARM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been removed:
- USE_FROM Functional_breakdown_arm;
- USE_FROM Part_occurrence_arm;
- TYPE function_occurrence_select;
- TYPE part_occurrence_select;
- ENTITY Definition_based_function_occurrence;
- ENTITY Specification_based_function_occurrence.
In addition, modifications have been made to the mapping specification,
the MIM schema and the EXPRESS-G diagrams to reflect and be consistent
with the modifications of the ARM.
The following MIM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been added:
- USE_FROM Assembly_structure_mim;
- USE_FROM Extended_measure_representation_mim;
- USE_FROM Part_view_definition_mim;
- USE_FROM product_definition_schema(product_definition_relationship);
- USE_FROM product_property_definition_schema(characterized_product_definition, property_definition);
- USE_FROM product_property_representation_schema(property_definition_representation);
- USE_FROM product_structure_schema(product_definition_occurrence_relationship, quantified_assembly_component_usage);
- USE_FROM Product_view_definition_relationship_mim;
- USE_FROM Specified_product_mim;
- REFERENCE_FROM support_resource_schema(bag_to_set);
- TYPE product_definition_or_assembly_relationship;
- RULE restrict_part_occurrence;
- RULE restrict_part_occurrence_category;
- RULE restrict_product_definitions_for_definition_usage;
- RULE selected_instance_usage_requires_representation;
- FUNCTION valid_selected_instance_representation.
The following MIM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been removed:
- USE_FROM Functional_breakdown_mim;
- USE_FROM Part_occurrence_mim.
This fourth
edition of this part of ISO 10303
the modifications to the
edition listed below.
The following ARM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been added:
- ENTITY Specified_occurrence.
The following ARM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been modified:
- ENTITY Product_occurrence.
In addition, modifications have been made to the mapping specification,
the MIM schema and the EXPRESS-G diagrams to reflect and be consistent
with the modifications of the ARM.
The following MIM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been modified:
- USE_FROM Product_structure_schema.
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